The Devil All the Time Test | Final Test - Easy

Donald Ray Pollock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Devil All the Time Test | Final Test - Easy

Donald Ray Pollock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Emma feel about Teagardin's spontaneous sermon?
(a) Awed.
(b) Humiliated.
(c) Confused.
(d) Angry.

2. What is the Prophet and the Picker?
(a) The name of Roy and Theodore's act.
(b) A book Theodore finds and becomes obsessed about.
(c) A pamphlet that Emma reads daily.
(d) A book Roy writes.

3. What does Carl do with his box of photos?
(a) Burns them.
(b) Prays for forgiveness while looking at them.
(c) Uses them to relive every encounter.
(d) Digs a hole in the back yard and buries them.

4. What is the phone call about to Bodecker?
(a) The burning of the house where Arvin used to live.
(b) Finding Teagardin's corpse.
(c) The death of Emma.
(d) Finding Arvin's body.

5. What does Carl put in Sandy's gun?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Blanks.
(c) Bullets.
(d) Dirt.

6. Why does Arvin think he does not have to pray?
(a) Because he does not need prayers.
(b) Because his father rejected god by killing himself.
(c) Because Lenora does enough for them both.
(d) Because his mama died which proves pray does not work.

7. What does Sandy's film agreement in California involve?
(a) A comercial.
(b) She does not have any film agreement.
(c) Pornography.
(d) Playing the roles of extras.

8. Where have Theodore and Roy moved?
(a) Inland.
(b) Baja.
(c) Georgia.
(d) Alaska.

9. What does Lenora realize eventually?
(a) She is wrong to be with Teagardin.
(b) She is not the only girl Teagardin is involved with sexually.
(c) She is pregnant.
(d) She is being used.

10. What work is Roy doing?
(a) Picking cotton.
(b) He cannot find work.
(c) Fishing boat crew.
(d) Picking fruit.

11. What is one thing Theodore dreams?
(a) Of returning home and seeing his mama.
(b) Of Leonora.
(c) Of Flapjack the Clown.
(d) Of living in the mountains.

12. What reminds Carl of his time in California with Sandy?
(a) Eating fried pork rinds like he had in California.
(b) A conversation with a waitress.
(c) Hearing the name of one of the towns mentioned on the news.
(d) Seeing a picture on the wall of the eating place.

13. Who is Pastor Teagardin?
(a) A fake minister who never went to seminary.
(b) The old pastor who is retiring.
(c) A man who got the name in the military when he'd preach to all his fellow soldiers.
(d) The new preacher.

14. What is the season at the opening to Chapter 25?
(a) Fall.
(b) Winter.
(c) Summer.
(d) Spring.

15. Where does Sandy put her money?
(a) In a jar.
(b) In the freezer.
(c) In a shoebox.
(d) In the basement.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Lenora see Teagardin?

2. Where does Arvin visit the next day after his encounter with Carl and Sandy?

3. What does Arvin take out of the glove box?

4. What job does Arvin get after high school graduation?

5. About what does Sandy fantasize?

(see the answer keys)

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