The Crystal Horizon Everest-the First Solo Ascent Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crystal Horizon Everest-the First Solo Ascent Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through North Col—Stuck in the Monsoon Snow.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who were the first group of foreign mountaineers to undertake an expedition in Tibet after the creation of the People's Republic?
(a) The Swiss.
(b) The Americans.
(c) The Japanese.
(d) The British.

2. In the Tibet chapter, how did Messner and Nena actually travel to their intended destination as they waited for the weather on Everest to clear?
(a) By walking.
(b) By flying.
(c) By driving.
(d) By caravan.

3. When Nena first asked Messner to go for a walk with him at the beginning of the North Col chapter to explore the area around the base camp, Messner told her to wait for him. How long did Messner think it would be before he'd be ready to go?
(a) Thirty minutes.
(b) 60 minutes.
(c) Forty-five minutes.
(d) 90 minutes.

4. Where did the first person to want to scale Mount Everest meet the Indian yogis who impressed the man with their teachings about self-discipline?
(a) On a train.
(b) In a plane.
(c) At a base camp.
(d) On a mail boat.

5. When Nena and Messner built their main camp after leaving the Rongbuk monastery in the Tibet chapter, at what altitude were they?
(a) 3,500 meters.
(b) 4,700 meters.
(c) 6,100 meters.
(d) 5,100 meters.

Short Answer Questions

1. The advanced base camp that Messner and Nena had been in was once a camp of the 1920s expeditions. Which camp was it?

2. In the Tibet chapter, how did Messner and Nena originally decide to travel to their intended destination as they waited for the weather on Everest to clear?

3. At the time Messner was writing the book, how long had it been since Nepal was forbidden to foreigners?

4. When the British expedition returned to Everest in 1924, how many times were the climbers forced to abandon their higher-elevation camps and return to their base camps because of snowfall and extreme cold?

5. Halfway through Messner's lecture tour in the Kanchung chapter, who slipped the "Peking Review" into Messner's hand?

(see the answer key)

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