The Crossover Test | Final Test - Medium

Kwame Alexander
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Crossover Test | Final Test - Medium

Kwame Alexander
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first question in "Questions"?
(a) "Why didn't you go to the doctor when Mom asked you?"
(b) "Are you going to die?"
(c) "Have you been practicing your free throws?"
(d) "When is the game?"

2. What is the score that Josh says the game is at in "For Dad"?
(a) 49-48.
(b) 49-49.
(c) 52-53.
(d) 50-51.

3. What question does Josh ask his coach when the coach asks if he is sure he is able to play in "During Warm-Ups"?
(a) "Can I step out if I need to?"
(b) "Are there wolves in sheeps' clothing?"
(c) "Can a deaf person write music?"
(d) "Does the sun come up each day?"

4. What does Josh's father say when he awakens in "On Christmas Eve"?
(a) "Filthy, I didn't jump ship."
(b) "Where is your brother?"
(c) "I love you all."
(d) "How did the game come out?"

5. What does Josh compare Vondie's girlfriend's butt to in "Even Vondie"?
(a) An apple.
(b) Chicago.
(c) A washing board.
(d) Vermont.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Josh describe volunteering in "This Week, I"?

2. What does JB's girlfriend ask for seconds of at the dinner table in "The Girl Who Stole My Brother"?

3. What does Josh say that JB hates in "Myocardial Infarction"?

4. What word in the poem "Okay, Dad" is printed smaller than all of the other words?

5. What does Josh say his mother never lets them have in "Suspension"?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is revealed by the phone call in "As We’re About to Leave for the Final Game"? How does the Bell family respond?

2. What actions are described regarding Chuck in "On Christmas Eve"?

3. What is the focus and meaning of "Basketball Rule #7"?

4. How would you describe Josh's attitude at the hospital in "The Doctor Pats Jordan and Me on the Back And Says"?

5. How are the Christmas celebrations described in "Santa Claus Stops By"?

6. How is the word "profusely" explored in the poem that has the same name?

7. What news is related in the poem "Article #1 in the Daily News (December 14)"?

8. What character is compared to a storm in the poem "Storm"? How does the author make this comparison?

9. Why does Josh point out the irony of the doctor's name in "The Next Morning"?

10. What does Josh ask his father in "Okay, Dad'? What ultimatum does he make?

(see the answer keys)

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