The Cross and the Switchblade Test | Final Test - Easy

David Wilkerson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cross and the Switchblade Test | Final Test - Easy

David Wilkerson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Wilkerson believe happens when baptized by the Holy Spirit?
(a) A person has such a strong belief in God that s/he gets hot flashes.
(b) One's mind creates some sort of experience.
(c) Actual physical manifestations of the experience.
(d) God physically touches a person's body.

2. What does Wilkerson carefully analyze?
(a) How a teen becomes an addict.
(b) How to motivate gang members to go to church.
(c) How to make evangelism more effective.
(d) How to help families of small children to avoid gang problems.

3. What does Nicky say he remembers Dave first said to him?
(a) He needed to turn himself around.
(b) He was going to hell.
(c) He was loved.
(d) He was a sinner.

4. Where does Maria go after her conversion?
(a) To Puerto Rico to attend a Spanish-speaking religious college.
(b) To Oklahoma to attend college.
(c) To California to attend seminary.
(d) To Pennsylvania to help Wilkerson's wife with his children.

5. What did they have to clean out of the building?
(a) Mud from a flood.
(b) Rats.
(c) Accumulated debris.
(d) Homeless people.

6. Who pointed out the ornamentation on the fireplace?
(a) Rev. Ortez.
(b) Gwen.
(c) Nicky.
(d) Immanuel.

7. After this trip what did Dave and Gwen decide?
(a) For Gwen to move to her parents' house.
(b) For Dave to stay in Pennsylvania more often.
(c) To move to New York.
(d) That Dave will split his time between Pennsylvania and New York.

8. How does Maria stand her ground against former gang members who wanted her money?
(a) Through prayer.
(b) By pretending to be an addict again.
(c) By hiding her money.
(d) By reading the Bible out loud to them.

9. What did Dave teach the young recruits first?
(a) How to preach.
(b) How to convert someone.
(c) About the world of the gangs.
(d) How to answer questions.

10. What is most likely what Dave would say about faith?
(a) It's not important.
(b) Some people don't need it.
(c) It is powerful.
(d) It comes and goes.

11. How is one trapped when s/he receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
(a) There is no trap.
(b) By the approbation of fellow Christians if one uses.
(c) It is a healthy, safe, redeemed trap of the Holy Spirit.
(d) By feeling ill if one uses.

12. What does it seem Wilkerson thinks is necessary in order to stay off drugs?
(a) The Holy Spirit.
(b) Intense desire.
(c) Leaving the ghetto.
(d) A disciplined life.

13. What did Dave finally decide to purchase?
(a) An old office building.
(b) Two tenement buildings.
(c) An old fire house.
(d) A decrepit mansion.

14. How did Dave begin to reach the teens?
(a) Through the newspaper.
(b) On the radio.
(c) In a short, simple, television program.
(d) Street preaching.

15. What were Dave and his team looking for in a building?
(a) Something that didn't need work.
(b) Something downtown.
(c) A building big enough for 200 people.
(d) Something cheap.

Short Answer Questions

1. What drug is one guest of the center trying to get off of in Chapter 20?

2. What does the guest do when he leaves the center physically free of the addiction?

3. What did Nicky say the author did that made him listen?

4. What was the atmosphere like at the center?

5. Who returns to New York as an ordained minister?

(see the answer keys)

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