The Creators Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Creators Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did St. Augustine give men in City of God?
(a) Cycles to develop through.
(b) An explanation of where evil came from.
(c) A direction toward God.
(d) An end to their sufferings.

2. What does Boorstin say Christianity helped man discover?
(a) Democracy.
(b) The New World.
(c) Man's power to control nature.
(d) Man's power to create.

3. How does Boorstin characterize Philo of Alexandria's view of philosophy?
(a) He sees it as the language of human logic.
(b) He sees it as the handmaiden of theology.
(c) He sees it as a temptation to evil.
(d) He sees it as the true religion.

4. What was the purpose of Don Quixote in Boorstin's account?
(a) To define the character of the Spanish people.
(b) To return chivalric romances to their roots.
(c) To kill off chivalric romances.
(d) To perfect the genre of chivalric romance.

5. What are hieroglyphs?
(a) Symbols of a dead language.
(b) No one knows.
(c) An early alphabet.
(d) A pictorial language.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what use did Romans put sculpture according to Boorstin?

2. Of what are Chaucer's Canterbury Tales comprised?

3. How does Boorstin say Muslims see creativity?

4. What does Boorstin say the Renaissance offered to Shakespeare?

5. What does Thoreau say, in the epigraph to Part 7, it takes to speak the truth?

Short Essay Questions

1. What explanation does Boorstin offer for the cave paintings of Altamira, Lascaux and Les Trois Freres?

2. What contribution does Boorstin say Boethius made to imaginative culture?

3. How does Boorstin describe the birth of drama?

4. How does Boorstin characterize Shakespeare's role in the development of imaginative works?

5. How does Boorstin describe the birth of prose?

6. How do Muslims differ from Greeks and Christians in their approach to making images?

7. What was St. Augustine's contribution to imaginative culture according to Boorstin?

8. How does Boorstin characterize Cervantes' contribution to imaginative literature?

9. What did Moses add to the culture of imagination?

10. What contribution did the Egyptians make to writing and self-expression?

(see the answer keys)

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