The Creators Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Creators Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Boorstin say Monet's achievement was made?
(a) In the relationship between the artist and history.
(b) In the relationship between audience and nature.
(c) In the elusive moment.
(d) In the eternal moment of art.

2. For what is Faust a metaphor according to Boorstin?
(a) The unconscious.
(b) The conscience.
(c) The questing soul.
(d) The dissatisfied modern self.

3. What was the subject of Monet's art?
(a) Architecture.
(b) Nature.
(c) Human figures.
(d) His own perceptions.

4. What does Boorstin say Eliot tried to express in "The Waste Land"?
(a) Redemption.
(b) Incoherence.
(c) Compensation.
(d) Sadness.

5. What was novel about the essay according to Boorstin?
(a) It celebrated the self.
(b) It allowed for new definitions of community.
(c) It was combined fiction and non-fiction.
(d) It preserved traditional confessional literary traditions in a new form.

6. Where does Goethe say the shadows are deepest in the epigraph to Part 10?
(a) Where music is most organized.
(b) Where the light is brightest.
(c) Where the genius sleeps.
(d) Where there is the least hope.

7. What does Boorstin say was the second step in the use of skyscrapers?
(a) Architectural form.
(b) National pride.
(c) Industry.
(d) Surveillance.

8. Who does Boorstin say Bach's audience was?
(a) The aristocratic court.
(b) The church.
(c) The military.
(d) The church and the public.

9. What does Boorstin say artists began to see in modern art?
(a) Traditions.
(b) Platonic forms.
(c) Transcendent forms.
(d) Evanescent moments.

10. What artistic movement does Boorstin say Monet initiated?
(a) Impressionism.
(b) Surrealism.
(c) Realism.
(d) Dadaism.

11. What is the relationship between teacher and learner according to the Koestler quote in the epigraph to Book 3?
(a) The learner has more opportunity than ever.
(b) They are the same person.
(c) The teacher has less authority than earlier.
(d) The learner has more anxiety than ever.

12. How many paintings does Boorstin say da Vinci left?
(a) 108.
(b) 39.
(c) 17.
(d) 51.

13. What did William Henry Fox Talbot discover?
(a) A process for capturing sharp contrasts between black and white on photographic film.
(b) A process for using silver nitrate to make copies.
(c) A process for retouching negatives.
(d) A process for capturing images on glass.

14. How does Koestler characterize creativity in the epigraph to Book 3?
(a) As a new language.
(b) As a new form of learning.
(c) As a new discipline.
(d) As a new form of philosophy.

15. Whom does Boorstin say was the first biographer?
(a) Benjamin Franklin.
(b) James Boswell.
(c) Dr. Samuel Johnson.
(d) Shakespeare.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Boorstin say is unique about Richard Wagner?

2. What did Gibbon add to the genre of human comedy according to Boorstin?

3. To what condition does art aspire according to Pater's epigraph for Part 9?

4. What did Cristofori invent?

5. What does Boorstin say man is finally learning to celebrate in Book 3?

(see the answer keys)

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