The Creators Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Creators Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was depicted in the first images?
(a) Abstract symbols.
(b) Animals.
(c) The landscape.
(d) Men.

2. Of what are Chaucer's Canterbury Tales comprised?
(a) A prolonged odyssey.
(b) 24 books of narrative about war.
(c) 31 poetic narratives.
(d) 100 novellas.

3. How does Boorstin characterize Suger's creation at the St. Denis cathedral?
(a) Obscure.
(b) Romantic.
(c) Melodramatic.
(d) Ascetic.

4. What does Paul Valery say the artist's business is in the epigraph to Book 1?
(a) To make something out of nothing.
(b) To create gods.
(c) To do God's will.
(d) To free man from God.

5. What are hieroglyphs?
(a) An early alphabet.
(b) Symbols of a dead language.
(c) No one knows.
(d) A pictorial language.

6. What did Thespis invent, according to Boorstin?
(a) Poetry.
(b) Drama.
(c) Comedy.
(d) Tragedy.

7. Into what did Boethius want to inject Greek wisdom?
(a) Technology.
(b) Architecture.
(c) Politics.
(d) Warfare.

8. When did men begin to make images of themselves?
(a) Early Paleolithic period.
(b) Mesolithic period.
(c) Middle Paleolithic period.
(d) Upper Paleolithic period.

9. What was the Romans' principal building material in Boorstin's opinion?
(a) Concrete.
(b) Wood.
(c) Stone.
(d) Marble.

10. Why are Muslims prohibited from making lasting images of human figures according to Boorstin?
(a) Because it takes attention away from living figures.
(b) Because creativity is a divine right, not to be usurped.
(c) Because only God can make eternal images.
(d) Because of a general proscription of idolatry.

11. For what was God cutting rods, in the quote from Martin Luther that opens Part 2?
(a) People who ask too many questions.
(b) People who don't inquire into the world.
(c) Wicked people.
(d) To use for writing.

12. Who was the first divinity according to the Rig Veda?
(a) Prajapati.
(b) Afghanistani.
(c) Darsan.
(d) Karma.

13. What does Horace say about the escaped word in the epigraph for Part 5?
(a) That it cannot be offered in prayer.
(b) That it cannot be recalled.
(c) That it cannot be defined.
(d) That it cannot be written.

14. What does Virginia Woolf say, in the second epigraph to Part 7, about writing?
(a) That a thing has not happened until it has been described.
(b) That written accounts are only valuable in settling disputes between people.
(c) That writing is a weak man's refuge from the tyranny of events.
(d) That writing is just the poor afterimage of a lived reality.

15. Why is Dante described as the founder of modern literature in Boorstin's opinion?
(a) Because the Divine Comedy represents a new cosmogony.
(b) Because the Divine Comedy externalized a dialogue that would normally have remained internal.
(c) Because the Divine Comedy is autobiographical.
(d) Because the Divine Comedy was the first printed book after the Bible.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long was it before Gothic art changed the style of European art and architecture in Boorstin's account?

2. What does Boorstin say upturned stones signify?

3. In what does Boorstin say Pantagruel luxuriates?

4. What does Boorstin say was absent from the Decameron?

5. When were the cave drawings discovered?

(see the answer keys)

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