The Covenant Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Covenant Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is discovered about Petra's father as a result of Mrs. Van Valck's actions?
(a) He is an expert mathematician.
(b) He has two black ancestors.
(c) He is an embezzler.
(d) He is an escaped felon.

2. What is the Broederbond?
(a) A rugby team.
(b) A mining company.
(c) A mine workers' union.
(d) A secret brotherhood that works to empower Afrikaners.

3. Who does Heather date?
(a) Rooi Van Valck.
(b) Craig Saltwood.
(c) Detleef Van Doorn's son.
(d) Lukas DeGroot.

4. Who does Johanna Van Doorn marry?
(a) Piet Krause, the Afrikaaner teacher.
(b) Adriaan DeGroot.
(c) Josef Steyn.
(d) Jonathan Amberson, the English teacher.

5. What does Heather do once her punishment is over?
(a) She gets on television to publicize her maltreatment.
(b) She becomes a political activist.
(c) She continues to defy the law.
(d) She moves to Canada for the rest of her life.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long do black miners have to work before they can apply to have their families join them?

2. Who takes every opportunity to remind the Dutch survivors of the war about the mistreatment of the English?

3. Why does Detleef refuse to accept the blue ribbon for his prize bull?

4. Why are farmers living in squalor in the city when Detleef visits it in Chapter Twelve?

5. At the beginning of Chapter Ten, who thinks a confrontation between the Dutch and the English is inevitable?

(see the answer keys)

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