The Constant Princess Test | Final Test - Easy

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Constant Princess Test | Final Test - Easy

Philippa Gregory
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Henry reveal about his mistress's husband in "Greenwich Palace, May 1510"?
(a) He is impotent.
(b) He is dying.
(c) He is a traitor.
(d) He is abusive.

2. Whom does King Henry's mother believe would make an acceptable match for Harry?
(a) Katherine Parr.
(b) Catalina.
(c) Blanche Perry.
(d) Anne Fisher.

3. Whom does Katherine's father send word that he will be invading?
(a) The Moors.
(b) The Portuguese.
(c) The Romans.
(d) The French.

4. What happens to Katherine in January 1510?
(a) She delivers a stillborn girl.
(b) She gets the sweating sickness.
(c) She falls down some stairs and loses her baby.
(d) She delivers a healthy son.

5. Whom does Katherine believe Henry has had an affair with in "Greenwich Palace, May 1510"?
(a) Jane Hammond.
(b) Anne Stafford.
(c) Mary James.
(d) Elizabeth Bolton.

6. What does Catalina do to try to gain the favor of the king and queen during the winter of 1503?
(a) She sews a layette.
(b) She prays to God for their favor.
(c) She spends a lot of time with them.
(d) She convinces her parents to send them an expensive gift.

7. Why does King Henry's mother suggest that Catalina should be sent home?
(a) Because she refuses to remarry.
(b) Because her dowry is still unpaid.
(c) Because she hasn't earned her place in court.
(d) Because she is not helping with diplomatic ties to Spain.

8. What change does Katherine notice in Henry in "Greenwich Palace, May 1510"?
(a) He doesn't rush to kiss her.
(b) He seems overwhelmed by the requirements of his position.
(c) He listens more intently to her advice.
(d) He has started to look at other women.

9. How many ships does Henry have built for his campaign against France?
(a) One hundred and fifty.
(b) Two hundred.
(c) Fifty.
(d) Four hundred.

10. What does Margaret say is the only thing that keeps order at court in "Greenwich Palace, May 1510"?
(a) Henry's erratic behavior.
(b) Katherine's presence.
(c) Threats to the courtiers.
(d) The promise of an heir being born.

11. Why do many come to Catalina first when they wish to seek the approval of the King?
(a) They find Catalina more pleasant to deal with.
(b) They know Catalina is the true ruler of England.
(c) They want to offend the King by doing so.
(d) They know that if Catalina introduces the topic first, the King is more likely to approve.

12. Why are Catalina and Harry married quietly?
(a) To keep the public from arguing against the match,
(b) Because the marriage is not approved of by the church.
(c) Out of respect for the recently deceased king.
(d) Out of respect for Arthur.

13. According to Catalina, what do "old women" have a tendency to do?
(a) Gossip.
(b) Argue against change.
(c) Dislike her.
(d) Matchmake.

14. What does Henry vow to do once his child is born in "Greenwich Palace, May 1510"?
(a) Have ten more children.
(b) Forgive Katherine for her lies.
(c) Send the baby to be raised in Spain.
(d) Make a pilgrimage.

15. What does Katherine learn the leader of the Scottish attackers has been promised should the Scots be victorious?
(a) The English throne.
(b) A large plot of land.
(c) The support of the French King.
(d) A castle.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Catalina note is solemn in June 1503?

2. What does King Henry inform his son of in June 1503?

3. Where does Katherine go to give thanks for her baby son?

4. Why does the King hope that Catalina believes her destiny is to be Queen?

5. Why does Catalina's sister go mad in 1504?

(see the answer keys)

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