The Conservationist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Conservationist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jacobus act as doctor?
(a) He gives the right herbal remedy to a sick dog.
(b) He uses the correct hypodermic on a sick cow.
(c) He sets the broken arm of one of the fieldhands.
(d) He bandages all that are injured.

2. What does Mehring think about as he walks through the property?
(a) How he wishes his son was as interested in the farm as he is.
(b) Marrying Antonia and living with her on the property.
(c) How beautiful it is.
(d) Being buried by the river and passing his land to his children, or at least his child.

3. What protects the Indians' fortified enclosure?
(a) Locals.
(b) Mehring's farmhands.
(c) A high-tech security system.
(d) Fences, roofs and dogs.

4. What does Mehring find in Terry's backpack?
(a) Illegal drugs.
(b) A photograph of his mother.
(c) A plane ticket to the United States.
(d) A publication published by "The Campaign for Homosexual Equality."

5. Who stops by the Indians' store?
(a) Solomon.
(b) Mehring.
(c) Izak.
(d) Jacobus.

6. How do the Indians hope to keep officials at bay?
(a) Large guard dogs.
(b) Money paid constantly towards lawyers.
(c) Legal documents.
(d) Security cameras and fencing.

7. What does Antonia tell Mehring about his property?
(a) He should pass it on to his son when he dies.
(b) It does not look as nice as it did before the fire.
(c) The blacks will repossess his land within a generation.
(d) He should buy more property.

8. What streaks across the sky as Mehring reaches a stone outhouse?
(a) Heat lightning.
(b) A plane.
(c) A comet.
(d) A shooting star.

9. What does Mehring send Jacobus down to do?
(a) Move the cattle to a different field.
(b) Help the couple stuck in their car.
(c) Survey the damage.
(d) Start draining some of the trapped water.

10. What does Mehring notice about the orange river lilies?
(a) They are growing where Solomon is found.
(b) They are the same color as Antonia's hair.
(c) They are blooming in fiery splendor at the riverbank.
(d) They are not as plentiful as before the fire.

11. For what is the beer and goat meat?
(a) Mehring's birthday party.
(b) Jacobus' family.
(c) The celebration.
(d) Mehring's business associates.

12. Of what do the Indians have an inevitable feeling?
(a) Mehring will have them closed down.
(b) The locals will destroy their store.
(c) Their lawyers will cheat them out of their money.
(d) A government official with the power to shut them down and evict them for good.

13. Why is William in an argument with a woman named Dorcas?
(a) She is late arriving to work.
(b) She has just stolen from the store.
(c) She claims her husband's money is being withheld by the Indians.
(d) She refuses to pay full price for her purchases.

14. Although cyanide is the quickest way to commit suicide, why does he believe it is not what the man used?
(a) It is expensive.
(b) It is not the "tycoon's way" to do it.
(c) One must have assistance in administering it.
(d) It is very painful.

15. Why does Mehring stop by the Indians' store to get a Christmas present for Jacobus and his staff?
(a) His office assistant is unavailable.
(b) He believes everyone deserves a Christmas gift.
(c) The Indians store is the closest place to buy gifts.
(d) He enjoys shopping for his staff.

Short Answer Questions

1. What must raise the alarm that quickly goes around the farm?

2. What is Phineas' wife doing at the celebration?

3. How does Mehring evade the funeral?

4. Why does Mehring no longer have much to do with pig iron?

5. Why does Bismillah pace the outside perimeter of the compound?

(see the answer keys)

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