The Conservationist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Conservationist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the symbol Jalal is painting?
(a) A peace sign.
(b) A gang sign.
(c) A yin yang sign.
(d) A smiley face.

2. What does Solomon think about, along with dying in the pasture?
(a) Existing with the other dead man who was buried there and never properly laid to rest.
(b) How the other man found by the river had died.
(c) His brother's fate.
(d) The men who beat him and left him for dead.

3. What do the father and son at the store immediately do when they see Mehring?
(a) Jump into action.
(b) Complain about working too hard.
(c) Pretend to be busy.
(d) Stare at Mehring.

4. What does Mehring find in Terry's backpack?
(a) A plane ticket to the United States.
(b) A photograph of his mother.
(c) Illegal drugs.
(d) A publication published by "The Campaign for Homosexual Equality."

5. With whom does Mehring walk through the property?
(a) Terry.
(b) Antonia.
(c) Solomon.
(d) Jacobus.

6. What are Jacobus and Solomon planting in the field?
(a) Oak trees.
(b) Native plants.
(c) Corn.
(d) Small chestnut seedlings.

7. Although cyanide is the quickest way to commit suicide, why does he believe it is not what the man used?
(a) One must have assistance in administering it.
(b) It is very painful.
(c) It is expensive.
(d) It is not the "tycoon's way" to do it.

8. What do the Indians allow black laborers to do?
(a) Fix holes in the fence.
(b) Work in the store.
(c) Create advertisments for the store.
(d) Stock the store.

9. What is Jalal painting?
(a) Mehring's home.
(b) The Indian Store.
(c) His car.
(d) The windmill and water tank.

10. What happens after the rain diminishes for a morning?
(a) Full tropical torrential rains come down.
(b) The rain turns to snow.
(c) It continues at a steady pace.
(d) It turns into hail.

11. Why does Izak know the symbol Jalal is painting?
(a) He has seen it on shirts and cars.
(b) He has seen it on television.
(c) He has painted it himself.
(d) The symbol can be seen around town.

12. How might the owners of the Indian Store lose all they have worked for?
(a) A river flood in the spring.
(b) The De Beer fire that spread throughout the county.
(c) Mehring cheats them of their money and prevents locals to purchase goods.
(d) Theft by the locals and confiscation or eviction by the government.

13. Why does Mehring ride in tourist class on a plane ride from Lisbon?
(a) There is no first class on the plane.
(b) He enjoys getting to know the locals.
(c) There is no room in first class.
(d) He does not have the money to purchase a first class seat.

14. When they land at Johannesburg, after some polite conversation, what does the young girl do?
(a) Screams out and runs to her mother.
(b) She asks for his phone number.
(c) She asks his name.
(d) She joins her family.

15. Why is Mehring unable to get coffee at work?
(a) They do not serve coffee.
(b) He did not bring money to buy coffee.
(c) The ran out.
(d) It is early.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Solomon ask Jacobus?

2. What does Mehring think about as he walks through the property?

3. What must raise the alarm that quickly goes around the farm?

4. Why does Mehring no longer have much to do with pig iron?

5. In what car do Mehring and his son ride?

(see the answer keys)

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