The Complete Poems, 1927-1979 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Complete Poems, 1927-1979 Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Bishop so eager to have Moore visit her?
(a) Moore had free museum passes.
(b) Moore was a close friend.
(c) Moore had important connections.
(d) Moore offered to edit Bishop's poetry.

2. How is the house in "Jeronimo's House" decorated?
(a) With drab colors and ornate decorations.
(b) With family photos.
(c) With vibrant colors and cheap decorations.
(d) With a Native American influence.

3. What does Bishop's uncommon vocabulary reflect about her settings?
(a) The culture and the feel of the people.
(b) The foods consumed in these places.
(c) The way the people speak.
(d) The customs and mannerisms of the people.

4. How does Bishop compare an iceberg to a ship in North and South?
(a) The ship is more regal.
(b) The ship is of more benefit to the soul.
(c) The iceberg is more dangerous.
(d) The iceberg is more interesting.

5. What do the poems in Four Poems describe?
(a) A marriage proposal.
(b) An argument between lovers.
(c) Passion between lovers.
(d) Agreement between lovers.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is described in the poem "Paris, 7 A.M."?

2. What question does Bishop ponder in "Brazil, January 1, 1502"?

3. What are two sounds the poet appreciates in "Questions of Travel"?

4. How is the water temperature described in "Cape Breton"?

5. "Questions of Travel" is in what format?

Short Essay Questions

1. Does Bishop see the ocean as ever-changing or never changing in the poems in Cold Spring?

2. How would you characterize the speaker's relationship to the title character in "Manuelzinho"?

3. How does the title of "The Man-Moth" alter the feel of the poem?

4. In "Questions of Travel," does the poet decide it is better to travel, or stay home and use one's imagination?

5. How do the poet's descriptions in "Arrival at Santos" reflect her dual state of mind?

6. What is the meaning of the lines "I'm afraid if it's wheat it's none of your sowing" in "Letter to N.Y."?

7. Why does Bishop chose the word "flying" in "Invitation to Miss Marianne Moore"?

8. How does the poet frame her journey in "Over 2,000 Illustrations and a Complete Concordance"?

9. How is the tone of "A Cold Spring" in contrast to its subject matter?"

10. What two things is Bishop comparing in "Brazil, January 1, 1502"?

(see the answer keys)

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