The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In school, what play was Brown forced to participate in, speaking in a French translation of the original play?
(a) A Question of Taste.
(b) The Cherry Orchard.
(c) A Doll's House.
(d) Romeo and Juliet.

2. When Mr. and Mrs. Smith arrive at the hotel, what room do they stay in?
(a) Elvis Presley suite.
(b) James D'Iuvillier suite.
(c) John Barrymore suite.
(d) Harvey Mansfield suite.

3. At the police station, when Brown and Smith go to visit Jones, what does the Tonton Macoute guard do?
(a) He demands another $200.
(b) He makes them wait four hours before going to Jones' cell.
(c) He stares at them through his dark sunglasses.
(d) He threatens to have them thrown out.

4. As Brown realizes that morning at the end of the driveway, why do the Tontons Macoute wear sunglasses?
(a) Because the government tells them to.
(b) Because if they show fear, it would be the end of terror in others.
(c) They want to intimidate people with their staring.
(d) The sunglasses are a measure of their power.

5. What were the countess's last words to her son?
(a) "What part are you playing now?"
(b) "Your father could never stand his own climate."
(c) "One must take precautions."
(d) "A little luck has come my way at the end."

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Brown on the military base near Santo Domingo?

2. What is the name of the ship on which Brown, Jones, and the Smiths are traveling?

3. What happens when Brown and Mr. Smith visit the Secretary of the Interior?

4. Though this occurs before the story starts, why did Brown fly to New York?

5. In Mr. Smith's typed report for the people of Wisconsin, what is his tone?

Short Essay Questions

1. Brown observes, following his disastrous conversation with Angel, that the quality which attracts him in a woman is not beauty but goodness. How is this similar to Jones's pursuit of virtue? Why does he find goodness in Martha?

2. After Philipot's body is removed from the pool, Joseph cleans the pool so Mr. Smith can swim. Mr. Smith passes very close to where the body had crouched, and Brown cringes to think of the two scenarios. How is this, in a succinct fashion, an indication of the story?

3. Brown worries that Martha enjoys Jones's company, especially when she says it is because he makes the family laugh. Why is Brown so concerned? Does he feel that his relationship with Martha is threatened because of Jones?

4. With the thought that Doctor Philipot's spirit might be hovering around the body, hoping for an encouraging word of send-off, Brown purposely speaks trivial words about eating eggs in the morning. What does this tell the reader about his perception of death? How does it fit the tone of the book?

5. From the conversation with his mother, what does Brown learn about his father? How is this knowledge in keeping with the family dynamic?

6. What is the significance of Martha and Brown choosing to meet by the Columbus statue? Is there humor or irony in the choice?

7. Throughout Chapter 1 of Part 1, the captain advises people to stay in touch with their respective consulates. Why is this, and how does it set the tone of the book?

8. When Angel has the mumps, Brown visits him at Martha's insistence, and this is the only time the two people interact for any length of time. What is the effect of this meeting? How is Angel portrayed?

9. In Part 1, Chapter 3, why does Brown tell the story of his lost virginity? How does his youthful past tie into his present relationship?

10. Doctor Magiot's funeral oration for Philipot consists mostly of the consolation that he died a natural death, which is to say he was not murdered. Considering the political environment, is this a compliment? What about the dead man's sense of mathematics?

(see the answer keys)

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