The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Brown steps off the ship, who fills the port?
(a) Beggars.
(b) Postal employees.
(c) Tonton Macoutes.
(d) Taxi drivers.

2. Where does Brown get his information about the curfew in Haiti?
(a) From Joseph.
(b) From an American newspaper.
(c) From a Haitian newspaper.
(d) From a public posting in the shipping dock.

3. What do Brown and Philipot's nephew discuss with the ambassador?
(a) Making a quick sale.
(b) Melodious poems.
(c) Jones fighting in Burma.
(d) Being comedians.

4. When Brown and Martha are stopped by the soldier at the road-block, why does Brown protest?
(a) Because Martha belongs to the diplomatic corps.
(b) Because he is smuggling weapons in.
(c) Because he is tired and wants to get home.
(d) Because he doesn't trust the soldier.

5. What is Doctor Magiot's opinion of American aid to Haiti?
(a) America is Haiti's only hope for peace.
(b) America will help only if her interests are threatened.
(c) Americans do not care enough to lift a finger.
(d) America will help only if she becomes interested.

6. What happens when Brown and Mr. Smith visit the Secretary of the Interior?
(a) They are ignored for nearly an hour.
(b) The Secretary pretends to be gone.
(c) They are able to see the Secretary immediately.
(d) They must take a number and wait in line for two hours.

7. After staying at the Hotel Trianon for two days, what is Mrs. Smith's opinion about Joseph?
(a) He is not competent for the jobs that needs doing.
(b) He oversteps the boundaries of his servant role.
(c) He is a man of all trades.
(d) He is a very pleasant man.

8. When Mr. Smith hears that Doctor Philipot had killed himself, what does he want to do?
(a) Get an explanation.
(b) Attend the memorial service.
(c) Visit the widow.
(d) Send flowers.

9. Where did Brown and Martha first meet each other?
(a) At the cashier's desk in the casino.
(b) By the statue of Columbus.
(c) At the Hotel Trianon.
(d) At one of the cocktail parties hosted by her husband.

10. Whom is Brown visiting the military base near Santo Domingo?
(a) Mr. Peterson.
(b) Mr. Wilson.
(c) Mr. Smith.
(d) Mr. Athencourt.

11. Because Mere Catherine has no Coca-Cola, what does she give Brown to drink with his rum?
(a) Root beer.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Seven-Up.
(d) Orange juice.

12. Along the border of the Dominican Republic, what does Brown feel?
(a) A sense of curiosity about life beyond the border.
(b) Ambivalence about the differences between the two countries.
(c) A sense of peace unlike anything in Haiti.
(d) A strong desire to flee Haiti.

13. At the beginning of Part 1, Chapter 5, what distractions does Brown experience?
(a) Martha is irate; the grocer tries to collect the money he's owed.
(b) Doctor Philipot's body is found; Angel has the mumps.
(c) Joseph is arrested at the market; Mr. Smith discovers Doctor Philipot's body.
(d) Jones has escaped from jail; Angel has pneumonia.

14. What do the Tonton Macoutes do with the coffin?
(a) Push it off the edge of the cliff so it falls into the sea.
(b) Bury it in a secret grave.
(c) Put it in the Cadillac trunk and tie it with rope.
(d) Heave it into the undergrowth.

15. What are Jones's last words to Philipot?
(a) He wishes he could have seen Brown one last time.
(b) He regrets coming to Haiti.
(c) He wishes he could have fought better.
(d) There is no room for him outside Haiti.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Brown returns to his hotel in Santo Domingo, what does he find on his pillow?

2. When Mr. Smith and Brown unexpectedly meet again in Santo Domingo, what does Mr. Smith offer?

3. Why is Brown not afraid to smuggle Philipot's body off his property?

4. Rather than participating in the night of entertainment, what does Mr. Fernandez do?

5. What does Martha's husband think about her affair with Brown?

(see the answer keys)

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