The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Comedians Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Marcel kill himself?
(a) Jumped out a second-story window into the empty pool.
(b) Slit his wrists and throat.
(c) Drank two bottles of rum and contracted alcohol poisoning.
(d) Hung himself in the countess's bedroom.

2. Where do Brown and Martha rendezvous most often?
(a) By the American consulate.
(b) Under a bridge.
(c) By a statue of Columbus.
(d) By a statue of the president.

3. Where did Brown attend school as a child?
(a) The local public school.
(b) The Schools of the Virgin Mary.
(c) The Jesuit College of the Visitation.
(d) The School of the Immaculate Conception of Christ.

4. In a late-night conversation, Brown and Jones talk about their official jobs titles, which are vague. What does this tell the reader about their relationship?
(a) They prefer to play games with the truth.
(b) They reveal details only when they know each other better.
(c) They are not honest with each other or the Haitians.
(d) They speak the truth only when it is proven that the other one will not betray.

5. When the countess rang the bell for Marcel to come to her room, what was he wearing?
(a) Pajamas with both their initials monogrammed on the shirt.
(b) Black pants and shirt, in preparation for mourning.
(c) A shirt he had found in Brown's luggage.
(d) Only his underwear.

6. A Tonton Macoute strikes up a conversation with Brown. Who is this man?
(a) The one responsible for putting Jones in jail.
(b) The leader of the Tontons Macoute.
(c) A new character in the book.
(d) The one who smashed the windows of the hearse carrying Doctor Philipot's body.

7. Where does Brown get his information about the curfew in Haiti?
(a) From a public posting in the shipping dock.
(b) From Joseph.
(c) From a Haitian newspaper.
(d) From an American newspaper.

8. What does Petit Pierre bring to Brown early in the morning, the first day after he arrives home?
(a) Brown's weekly supply of oranges.
(b) A bottle of rum, as an apology.
(c) An order for an eviction of the premises.
(d) A newspaper with a gossip column that includes the Smiths.

9. What do Brown and Doctor Magiot do with Philipot's body during the night?
(a) Lay it behind some bushes near an abandoned cottage.
(b) Dump it unceremoniously in a ditch.
(c) Prepare it for burial according to local Voodoo custom.
(d) Bury it at the edge of the neighbor's property.

10. Why did Brown give Marcel a large amount of British money?
(a) To help him start life anew in the city.
(b) To buy his third of the hotel.
(c) To ensure he would not talk about the countess.
(d) To bribe him into leaving the hotel.

11. What is the news of Hamit (who had rented a room to Brown and Martha in the past)?
(a) He has disappeared.
(b) His wife reported him missing.
(c) He has been captured by the Tontons Macoute.
(d) His body has been found in the forest.

12. Who is Mr. Baxter?
(a) The captain.
(b) The purser.
(c) Mrs. Smith's brother.
(d) The pharmaceutical traveler.

13. From the beginning of their relationship, who makes great demands on Martha's time?
(a) Her husband, the ambassador.
(b) Her lover, a member of the Tontons Macoute.
(c) Angel.
(d) Brown.

14. Before Brown and Smith leave the jail, what does Jones want them to do?
(a) Say a prayer with him.
(b) Promise to smuggle a knife in so he can escape.
(c) Give $20 and a note to the sergeant at the door.
(d) Arrange for better food to be brought to him.

15. According to the note Doctor Magiot received, where is young Philipot?
(a) Nearly to the sea.
(b) In hiding in Port au Prince.
(c) Safely arrived in Florida.
(d) In the mountains, moving north.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Martha explain Brown's view of the world?

2. When the passengers aboard the Medea have a night of entertainment, what is the first event?

3. What is the name of the ship on which Brown, Jones, and the Smiths are traveling?

4. How much Latin does Brown remember from his early education?

5. When Brown and Martha are stopped by the soldier at the road-block, why does Brown protest?

(see the answer keys)

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