The Comedians Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Comedians Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2 Chapter 1.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Martha in Santo Domingo?
(a) Her husband has been transferred to Lima.
(b) Her husband has been transferred to Santo Domingo.
(c) She has left her husband and taken Angel.
(d) She is looking for Brown.

2. Why is Brown on the military base near Santo Domingo?
(a) To apply for a catering job.
(b) To visit his mother's brother.
(c) To make a political connection.
(d) To apply for an exit visa.

3. Before Brown and Smith leave the jail, what does Jones want them to do?
(a) Say a prayer with him.
(b) Arrange for better food to be brought to him.
(c) Give $20 and a note to the sergeant at the door.
(d) Promise to smuggle a knife in so he can escape.

4. What moment, as Brown remembers the past, makes him feel that his business was finally a success?
(a) A girl was making love in the pool in the middle of the night.
(b) His guest registry was full for nearly three months running.
(c) Tourists in the neighboring cities heard about him.
(d) A young couple promised to vacation there every year.

5. When Brown surveys his desk in his study, what is missing?
(a) A letter from Martha.
(b) A picture of his mother.
(c) A paper-weight that looks like a coffin.
(d) His cashbox and two cigars.

Short Answer Questions

1. While listening to Mr. Smith describe the vegetarian center, what does the Secretary for Social Welfare doodle on his paper?

2. Why is Brown not afraid to smuggle Philipot's body off his property?

3. As explained in Part 1, Chapter 2, how does Petit Pierre, a journalist, treat every day?

4. From the beginning of their relationship, who makes great demands on Martha's time?

5. How does Martha explain Brown's view of the world?

(see the answer key)

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