The Color Purple Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Color Purple Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Celie’s biggest fear when she thinks about her children?
(a) That they will never know the truth about her.
(b) That they love Celie more than they love her.
(c) That they hate her.
(d) That they will be dunces.

2. For whom does Sofia work when she is released from prison?
(a) The mayor.
(b) The doctor.
(c) The butcher.
(d) The reverend.

3. Why was Nettie allowed to join the reverend and his wife on their mission trip?
(a) Because the church specifically requested that she join.
(b) Because Corrine refused to be parted from her.
(c) Because they thought it would be helpful to have a black attendant.
(d) Because one of the missionaries backed out at the last minute.

4. How does Pa initially react when he first sees Celie on his property?
(a) He ignores her completely.
(b) He embraces her.
(c) He tells her to get off his land.
(d) He doesn’t recognize her.

5. Why did Nettie decide to move out of Mr.’s house?
(a) Because she wanted her own space.
(b) Because she had better opportunities abroad.
(c) Because she felt she was putting Celie in danger.
(d) Because she couldn’t stand Mr.’s advances.

6. What is the name of the ship Nettie sails to Olinla?
(a) Jamaica.
(b) Largo.
(c) Malaga.
(d) Bermuda.

7. What is the name of Corrine’s husband?
(a) Sean.
(b) Samuel.
(c) Samson.
(d) Simon.

8. How does Nettie react to the jungle surrounding Olinka?
(a) She is terrified by its vastness.
(b) She is overwhelmed with the greenery.
(c) She is disgusted by the bugs.
(d) She is pleased with the weather.

9. Why doesn’t Celie like the idea of Shug and Germaine dating?
(a) Because she is jealous of Shug’s love.
(b) Because Shug is still married to Grady.
(c) All of the answers are true.
(d) Because Germaine is too young for her.

10. Why does Harpo finally agree to let Squeak sing at his juke joint?
(a) The customers have specifically requested her.
(b) Shug tells him that he could make a lot of money off her.
(c) There is no one else to sing the songs after Shug leaves.
(d) Squeak threatens to leave him if he rejects her again.

11. What does Mr. collect, which surprises Celie?
(a) Stamps.
(b) Bells.
(c) Seashells.
(d) Snow globes.

12. Who does Nettie marry?
(a) Samuel.
(b) Mr.
(c) Adam.
(d) The Olinka chief.

13. What instrument does Germaine, Shug’s new boyfriend, play?
(a) The drums.
(b) The guitar.
(c) The flute.
(d) The saxophone.

14. Why does Billy try to kick Sofia while she is watching him?
(a) She refused to throw the ball to him.
(b) She muttered a racist phrase under her breath.
(c) She insulted his father.
(d) He doesn’t want a black woman in the house.

15. Why does Celie want to see Pa before she moves to Memphis?
(a) To update him about Nettie.
(b) To confront him about her past.
(c) To ask him for money.
(d) To properly say goodbye.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did the reverend and his wife treat Nettie when she first arrived?

2. What is the highest position for a woman in the Olinka village?

3. Who discovers that Mr. has been hiding Nettie’s letters?

4. What does Grady call Shug, which deeply annoys Celie?

5. What is the name of Billy’s sister, Millie’s daughter?

(see the answer keys)

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