The Color Purple Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Color Purple Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Sofia move in with after she leaves Harpo?
(a) Her grandmother.
(b) Her aunt.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Her sister.

2. What does Celie say is keeping Shug alive?
(a) Her talent.
(b) Her beauty.
(c) Her anger.
(d) Her love.

3. How many children does Mr. have?
(a) 3.
(b) 2.
(c) 5.
(d) 4.

4. What does Shug comment on the first time she meets Celie?
(a) Celie’s physical appearance.
(b) Celie’s marriage.
(c) Celie’s housekeeping.
(d) Celie’s religious faith.

5. What does Celie’s father think she did church, leading to a terrible beating?
(a) Shakes the preacher’s hand.
(b) Laugh at the choir.
(c) Wink at a boy.
(d) Bad mouth him.

6. In what season were Mr. and Celie married?
(a) Spring.
(b) Fall.
(c) Summer.
(d) Winter.

7. Why doesn’t Sofia’s father think Harpo is good enough for her?
(a) Because of his family history.
(b) Because of his skin color.
(c) Because of his occupation.
(d) Because of his lack of education.

8. Why does Celie think Nettie is dead after she leaves Mr.’s house?
(a) She overhears Mr. talking about how he killed her.
(b) Nettie constantly worried that someone was after her.
(c) Nettie promises to write letters but none arrive.
(d) She hears about an unidentified murder victim whose appearance is similar to Nettie’s.

9. Why is Mr. upset with the townsfolk after Shug moves in with him?
(a) He hears that they have been spreading gossip about their relationship.
(b) Because they have started ignoring him at church.
(c) He feels that they have abandoned her in her time of need.
(d) Because they bought all the milk from the stores even though Shug needs it.

10. How long is Sofia sentenced for her crime?
(a) 12 weeks.
(b) 12 months.
(c) 12 days.
(d) 12 years.

11. Who tries to keep Celie in school before Pa pulls her out?
(a) Her mother.
(b) No one.
(c) Her husband.
(d) Her teacher.

12. How does Celie’s mother die?
(a) She dies due to childbirth complications.
(b) She commits suicide.
(c) Her husband murders her.
(d) She accidentally drowns in the river.

13. How does Harpo’s life change after Sofia leaves him?
(a) He travels the world, starting with Europe.
(b) He starts drinking and smoking excessively.
(c) He begins to make money and date around.
(d) He lives in complete isolation and depression.

14. Why does Mr. have a bad reputation?
(a) He beats women.
(b) All of the answers are true.
(c) He had an affair with Shug.
(d) He might have killed his wife.

15. How old is Sofia when Harpo proposes to marry her?
(a) 18.
(b) 17.
(c) 15.
(d) 16.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Mr. encourage Harpo to keep his wife in line?

2. What is Squeak’s real name?

3. Why won’t the women at church help Shug when they hear she is ill?

4. Why does Squeak slap Sofia at the bar?

5. Who decides that Shug should come live in the house with Celie’s family?

(see the answer keys)

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