The Collected Stories of Colette Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Collected Stories of Colette Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much did the friend of the woman Colette talks with in "Gitanette" stole?
(a) 75 franks.
(b) 500 franks.
(c) 20 franks.
(d) 50 franks.

2. In "The Screen" what does the love interest of the wealthy man do?
(a) She dies.
(b) She breaks her ankle.
(c) She leaves him.
(d) She proposes marriage.

3. Where does the girl in "Love" come from?
(a) England.
(b) Italy.
(c) France.
(d) Russia.

4. What does the younger man say to the woman that makes her indignant?
(a) He is joining the army.
(b) He is poor.
(c) He is moving to North Africa.
(d) He is getting married.

5. What does the troupe think of the location in "The Halt"?
(a) It is picturesque and foreign.
(b) It i small.
(c) It is noisy.
(d) It is well lit.

6. What is the name of the dog the trainer praises in "Clever Dogs"?
(a) Robo.
(b) Rexy.
(c) Charlot.
(d) Cachou.

7. What does the title character of "A Hairdresser" talk about?
(a) The latest dress styles.
(b) The latest hat style.
(c) The latest political news.
(d) The latest hairstyles.

8. Why does the performer in "The Starveling" try to save money before returning to Paris?
(a) His wife is high maintenance.
(b) He almost starved the prior year.
(c) He almost lost him home the prior year.
(d) He wants to wow a woman.

9. In "The Other Table" what is the profession of the wealthy man's love interest?
(a) Music hall hair dresser.
(b) Music hall star.
(c) Music hall small hand.
(d) Music hall dresser.

10. What does Colette's friend long for in "Grape Harvest"?
(a) The days of feudalism.
(b) The days of Napoleon.
(c) The days where women were subserviant.
(d) The days of the third republic.

11. What does Colette criticize her friend for?
(a) For being rich and not sharing.
(b) Her choice of men.
(c) Her clothing choices.
(d) For being immoral and hypocrital.

12. What kind of stories does the girl like?
(a) Stories without boys.
(b) Stories about princesses.
(c) Stories without pictures.
(d) Stories with pictures.

13. What does the performer in 'Moments of Stress" create in Colette?
(a) The desire to get far away from the performance.
(b) The desire to perform.
(c) The desire to go to Provence.
(d) The desire to give away money.

14. What does "The Saleswoman" describe?
(a) Interaction between Colette and a policeman.
(b) Interaction between Colette and a store clerk.
(c) Interaction between Colette and a customer.
(d) Interaction between Colette and another writer.

15. In "The Other Table" what do the wealthy man and his love interest do?
(a) They dine.
(b) They drive a car.
(c) They walk.
(d) They go to the theater.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the stage performer in "The Child Prodigy" complaining about?

2. What is the performer given in "The Misfit"?

3. Who says that the other has ruined her property?

4. What does Colette buy in "Lola"?

5. What does Colette's friend in the Cure talk to Colette about?

(see the answer keys)

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