The Cold Millions Test | Final Test - Easy

Jess Walter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cold Millions Test | Final Test - Easy

Jess Walter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gurley tell one of the saloon girls about her past?
(a) She does not really believe in labor causes.
(b) She almost died of tuberculosis.
(c) She has already lost a baby.
(d) She has been divorced once already.

2. What does Gurley tell the irate priest in the union hall in Seattle?
(a) She does not think the IWW is a legitimate organization.
(b) She thinks the church should allow female priests.
(c) She does not think justice is truly possible until we have emancipated the vagina.
(d) She thinks Catholics should pack their tents and go quietly into the night.

3. What story does Gurley tell Rye when he asks her if she is okay after the robbing in Taft?
(a) That her father told her never to get involved in the labor movement.
(b) That she and her husband fell in love on a train.
(c) That she never learned how to bake a pie.
(d) That she liked to give speeches to her stuffed animals as a little girl.

4. What does Gurley spend the the trip from Missoula doing in Chapter 24?
(a) Crying.
(b) Drafting a telegram to her husband.
(c) Counting the donations.
(d) Writing articles for the Industrial Worker.

5. Who helps Rye get a job in Chapter 27?
(a) Lemuel Brand.
(b) Marco Ricci.
(c) Ursula.
(d) Gig.

6. How did Gurley's mother feel about her leaving home to become a traveling activist?
(a) She was excited for Gurley about it.
(b) She grudgingly allowed it.
(c) She told Gurley she would only send her money to bail her out of prison one time.
(d) She disowned Gurley for it.

7. What does Gurley tell Reston and Rye about meeting Al Bolin?
(a) To be sympathetic to Al.
(b) To be tough on Al.
(c) To be deferential to Al.
(d) To try to act normal.

8. What is unusual about Bolin's face?
(a) He has two different-colored eyes.
(b) He has a distinctive bashed-in spart of his front skull.
(c) He has a metal clip holding one side of his face to his jaw.
(d) He has a huge vertical scar.

9. What is bothering Gurley at the end of the section titled Gurley?
(a) She thinks she is running out of money.
(b) She suspects Rye of being a traitor.
(c) She suspects she will not be able to get Gig out of jail.
(d) She suspects her mother will disown her.

10. Who does Dalveaux kill randomly in Part III?
(a) A shoe salesman.
(b) A prostitute.
(c) A newspaper boy.
(d) A drunk tramp.

11. What does Sergeant Clegg call Gurley when he comes to arrest her at the raid in the section titled Gurley?
(a) A tart.
(b) A fat labor c**t.
(c) A pig.
(d) A whore.

12. Why does Rye think Brand sends someone to Seattle to speak with him at first?
(a) He wants to tell Rye Gig has been released from prison.
(b) He wants Rye to know that Gig might be arrested again.
(c) He wants his $20 back.
(d) He wants to let Rye know Ursula is looking for him.

13. Where does Gurley go after she is released from jail?
(a) Lemuel Brand's.
(b) Mrs. Ricci's.
(c) The boardinghouse where she is staying.
(d) The Comique.

14. Who is kind to Rye at his new job, bringing him food for lunch?
(a) Joe.
(b) Miller.
(c) Frederick.
(d) Dominick.

15. Where does Rye buy something in Chapter 24?
(a) Farber and Hindley's.
(b) Marshall and Lemley's.
(c) Ferdinand and Trend's.
(d) Bradley and Graham's.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is in Gurley's cell when she is first taken to jail?

2. What newspaper ends up printing Gurley's article about the abuses of women in the Spokane jail?

3. Where do Rye, Gurley, and Reston stop for a day on the way from Seattle to Montana?

4. Who says she will edit the edition in the IWW's paper in Chapter 24?

5. How do the saloon girls protect Gurley during her night in jail?

(see the answer keys)

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