The Chosen Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Chosen Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What gesture does Danny Saunders make that indicates to Reuven he is showing sympathy for Reuven and his father in Chapter 14?
(a) He tips his hat.
(b) He brushes him in the hallway.
(c) He pats him on the back.
(d) He winks at him.

2. Where does Reuven’s father travel for research for his articles in Chapter 10?
(a) Manhattan.
(b) Staten Island.
(c) Brooklyn.
(d) Queens.

3. Reb Saunders intends to boycott shop owners who are supporters of what in Chapter 14?
(a) Gematriya.
(b) Zionism.
(c) Shabbat.
(d) Pilpul.

4. The entire Hirsch campus is saddened by the rising violence between whom in Chapter 15?
(a) The Americans and the Japanese.
(b) The Arabs and Jews of Palestine.
(c) The Russians and the Germans.
(d) The Brazilians and the Kenyans.

5. What name refers to the genocide of millions of European Jews during World War II?
(a) Abomination.
(b) Plague.
(c) Crucifixion.
(d) Holocaust.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does the news of unconditional surrender come in Chapter 11?

2. Reb Saunders talks about how he was blessed with a brilliant son, but the brilliant son had no what, in Chapter 18?

3. During what month is it rumored at Reuven’s college that a recent graduate has been killed in the fighting in Palestine in Chapter 15?

4. What does Reuven ask Danny when he visits him after starting his studies in the end of Chapter 18?

5. On what date are Reuven and his father overjoyed to learn that the establishment of a Jewish state is going to happen in Chapter 14?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Reuven’s father remark about Reb Saunders’ methods of raising his son in Chapter 16?

2. What is the central conflict in Chapter 14? How does Reuven feel about Danny’s absence?

3. What does Danny discuss in depth with Professor Appleman in Chapter 13?

4. What is the setting and time period of Chapter 15? How does Danny reemerge in Reuven’s life?

5. How do Reuven and Danny spend their first month of summer in Chapter 10?

6. How does David Malter defend the actions of Reb Saunders in Chapter 13?

7. What has Danny decided to study in Chapter 16? Why is this significant?

8. What gesture does Danny make to intimate his sympathy for Reuven in Chapter 14?

9. What does Reuven’s father compare Danny Saunders to in Chapter 17?

10. What is the central theme of Chapter 18? How does this theme relate to silence?

(see the answer keys)

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