The Charm School Test | Final Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Charm School Test | Final Test - Medium

Nelson Demille
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Sam go to meet this person?
(a) In a Russian theatre.
(b) Gogol's grave.
(c) At the American embassy.
(d) In the archway of the church.

2. What are the prisoners at the Charm School called?
(a) Masters.
(b) The Lifers.
(c) Instructors.
(d) The Wise Ones.

3. Where do Sam and Lisa go after they sneak out of the embassy?
(a) They want to go see Surikov.
(b) To see Seth and get more information.
(c) To the grave of Patersnak.
(d) Cathedral of the Virgin of Smolensk.

4. When Salerno tries to get information about Fisher from Sam, how does Sam react?
(a) He punches Salerno for being too intrusive.
(b) He spills the beans to Salerno.
(c) Sam says nothing, but Lisa says too much.
(d) He reveals nothing.

5. How does General Austin feel about being at the Charm School with the rest of the people?
(a) Sad, because he wants to see his wife and kids.
(b) Happy that his friends are around.
(c) Exhausted because he can't think of any ways to escape.
(d) Guilty that he has not tried harder to get them all out of the Charm School.

Short Answer Questions

1. How often does Lisa attend church?

2. While the students of the KGB school walk, talk, and act like Americans, what is wrong?

3. Who supposedly leaked the details of Fisher's phone call?

4. What is Commander Lewis Poole able to give Lisa and Sam that is helpful to their investigation?

5. What does Sam begin to suspect about Lisa?

Short Essay Questions

1. What Americans do Lisa and Sam meet?

2. Why can't Sam have the truth serum?

3. Is Seth a double crosser to his "friend" Sam?

4. Why does Lisa decide to accept the "teaching" position at the Charm School?

5. What continues to build in Part III?

6. Surikov promises to deliver this important information to Sam if Sam delivers something else to him?

7. After Lisa and Sam are captured, what are they forced to do?

8. How do the Charm School children differ from the American Embassy children? How are they the same?

9. When Sam goes to meet Seth late at night, what information does he learn about the Charm School?

10. Wat does Lisa enjoy about churches?

(see the answer keys)

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