The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Redfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James Redfield
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many Insights does Charlene say the Manuscript contains?
(a) eight
(b) nine
(c) ten
(d) seven

2. What is easier at sunrise or sunset?
(a) to see the plants grow
(b) to see the plant energy
(c) to feel the plant energy
(d) to think clearly about energy

3. What is the Peruvian government's attitude toward the Manuscript?
(a) that it belongs to the Peruvian people
(b) that it must be preserved
(c) that it is a radical hoax
(d) that it does not exist

4. What happened while Charlene was in the ladies' room?
(a) Her table was taken.
(b) Someone stole her car.
(c) Her briefcase was stolen.
(d) The restaurant caught fire.

5. What does the narrator believe he understands now?
(a) the reason he chose to stay
(b) the main points of the Third Insight
(c) why Dobson was shot
(d) why the church opposes the Manuscript

6. What has Wayne Dobson found when he went to see a priest that never showed up?
(a) a decree from the Cardinal to destroy the Manuscript
(b) copies of the First and Second Insights
(c) a suicide note written by the priest
(d) a map to the location of the Manuscript

7. What will people need to overcome their restlessness?
(a) more reading of the Manuscript
(b) more consciousness of the meaning of experiences
(c) more new challenges to face
(d) more time spent alone

8. What does the narrator think about that makes him agree with Charlene?
(a) his problems at work
(b) his problems with the bank
(c) his recent distrust of people
(d) his last two relationships

9. How does Marjorie know that the narrator is interested in her?
(a) She notices how he tries not to stare.
(b) Sarah tells her.
(c) She overhears him talking to a plant.
(d) She can see it in his energy.

10. Why is Dobson returning to Peru?
(a) To look for the priest.
(b) To find more Insights.
(c) To challenge the government.
(d) To prove the Manuscript is wrong.

11. What are the people in the novel either searching for or trying to suppress?
(a) a document they call the Manuscript
(b) tablets of stone older than the Ten Commandments
(c) an archeologist who found the Manuscript
(d) an ancient Incan stela with magic powers

12. Why is the Manuscript in danger of disappearing?
(a) the opposition of the Peruvian government and the church
(b) blackmarketeers are out looking for it
(c) the parchment is too fragile to move
(d) the inability to translate the ancient language

13. Why does Wil say people meet in some kind of coincidence?
(a) because both people look familian to the other
(b) because they are both lost
(c) because the time is miraculously preordained
(d) because both parties have information to share

14. What does the narrator promise Charlene?
(a) to check deeper into the Manuscript.
(b) to tell his friends about the Manuscript
(c) to call and write often
(d) to see her safely on her flight

15. What is the first coincidence on the way to Cula?
(a) The narrator sees a man that reminds him of a friend.
(b) They find another copy of an Insight.
(c) The narrator begins to see energy fields everywhere.
(d) The car breaks down at a village where the priest lives.

Short Answer Questions

1. What information does Reneau share with the narrator?

2. What does the narrator see during an argument between Sarah and the German?

3. When Sarah arrives, what does she tell the narrator to do?

4. What does Dobson tell the narrator to do?

5. Trying to participate more, what does the narrator tell Reneau?

(see the answer keys)

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