The Captive Mind Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Captive Mind Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Those who assert that their work is most important, rather than the ends and benefactors of the work, are following which Ketman?
(a) Sceptical Ketman
(b) Ethical Ketman.
(c) Aesthetic Ketman
(d) Professional Ketman.

2. Cosmopolitanism, as defined by communism, is what thought?
(a) Fear of the Western bourgeois cultures.
(b) Admiration for all cultures.
(c) Admiration for the Western bourgeois cultures.
(d) Admiration for all countries in the communist bloc.

3. According to Milosz, nations which have recently come under communist rule feel excitement at first, and then feel what emotion?
(a) Sadness for the loss of their autonomy.
(b) That they've been lied to about the government.
(c) That they've been caught in a trap like mice.
(d) Trepidation for their unknown future.

4. In Witkiewicz's novel, the characters ultimately become:
(a) Schizophrenics.
(b) Catatonic.
(c) Bolshevik.
(d) Hypochondriacs.

5. Milosz asserts that the man of the New Faith has the greatest fear of what action?
(a) Losing the capability to reason.
(b) Thinking for himself.
(c) Acting based on others' decisions.
(d) Thinking for others.

Short Answer Questions

1. Alpha's response to the Nazis' violent anti-Semitism was what emotion?

2. Why does the state take advantage of professional Ketman?

3. Which Ketman asserts that men do not know how to rule themselves or properly distribute goods?

4. During World War II, how did the nearness of death affect the Poles' lives?

5. When Alpha and Milosz stumbled on a board with the painted words "Lieutenant Zbyszek's road of suffering," what did they meditate on?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is communism's goal for the relationship between the present and the past?

2. Is Ketman necessary to the citizen of the New Faith? Why?

3. Why, in the end, could Alpha make only one decision about joining the party?

4. Why is the Ketman of revolutionary purity the most rare form of Ketman?

5. What is historic fatalism and how does it affect even a man's most personal interactions?

6. "If something exists in one place, it will exist everywhere" (pg. 29). Why does the man in destroyed Warsaw believe this, and how does it affect his spirit?

7. Why does the man entering the gate of communism feel that he is doing something wrong?

8. What advantages does the Center gain with the idea of "cosmopolitanism"?

9. The East uses talented artists to their full ability, yet sometimes with mediocre results. Why does this happen?

10. How does national Ketman satisfy, as much as possible, the nationalist leanings in a man? Why is this an important Ketman?

(see the answer keys)

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