The Captive Mind Test | Final Test - Easy

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The Captive Mind Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Gamma's writing weak?
(a) Proper doctrine.
(b) Previous success.
(c) Human emotion.
(d) Empathy.

2. Why are peasants not particularly dangerous, according to Milosz?
(a) They are more easily involved in extensive underground work.
(b) They have no education and thus cannot retaliate.
(c) They are happy with their lives.
(d) The state is the only buyer of what they grow.

3. In Milosz's understanding, the class of the bourgeois is comprised of what people?
(a) Small merchants and craftsmen.
(b) Workers and peasants.
(c) National companies.
(d) Workers.

4. When Delta's writing no longer pleased the party, what happened?
(a) Publishers were instructed not to print his work.
(b) He was forced to print only in underground papers.
(c) He was exiled to Siberia for three years in a labor camp.
(d) Publishers were instructed to print only the work that showed he had reformed.

5. Often when Milosz sees women walking through the streets of Paris, what does he remember?
(a) A Polish girl brushing her hair.
(b) An unknown girl run over by an SS truck.
(c) A Jewish girl shot while running for her life.
(d) His dead wife.

6. In a weekly magazine, Delta published short theater scenes under what title?
(a) Falangist.
(b) Gray Goose.
(c) Green Goose.
(d) Solomon's Ball.

7. While living in exile, how did Delta feel?
(a) Popular and well-liked.
(b) Lonely and forgotten.
(c) A drunkard.
(d) A poor writer.

8. The state methods of teaching give the illusion of what?
(a) Historical right.
(b) A mysterious unknown.
(c) Complete knowledge.
(d) Complete power.

9. Apart from his poetry, what was Delta's personality?
(a) Optimistic and cheerful.
(b) Completely deceitful.
(c) Sly and fearful.
(d) Sly and gloomy.

10. How much time did Beta spend in the concentration camp Auschwitz?
(a) Two years.
(b) The rest of his life.
(c) Three years.
(d) Two months.

11. Where did the man Gamma grow up?
(a) A party member's home.
(b) The city.
(c) The country.
(d) An eighteenth-century palace.

12. What happened when Beta's artistic talent moved to the furthest boundaries of communist dictates?
(a) The words he wrote were the only things he knew.
(b) It could not be satisfied, and he left the party.
(c) Words and individual man lost all meaning.
(d) Words could no longer move him to action.

13. When man is faced with constant death and when life seems meaningless, how does dialectical materialism seem?
(a) Like a refuge.
(b) Mysterious and full of meaning.
(c) Mathematical and calculating.
(d) Useless and outmoded.

14. Why did Beta's writing assert that communism was salvation?
(a) Capitalism led to Hitlerism.
(b) Man would not think for himself.
(c) Capitalism could not provide for society's needs.
(d) Man was too weak to save himself.

15. In light of Beta's poetry, how does Milosz treat the modern artist's potential?
(a) He works best without established equilibrium.
(b) He follows the artistic traditions of former eras.
(c) He is condemned to inactivity.
(d) He can never know rest or inactivity.

Short Answer Questions

1. How were Gamma's interactions with people characterized?

2. Beta remained bitter because he was unable to see what?

3. In the people's democracies, according the Chapter 8, what does the most serious battle concern?

4. At a fairly young age, how did Beta die?

5. How does Milosz describe Delta's poetry?

(see the answer keys)

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