The Captive Mind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Captive Mind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Within communist countries, it is not important what a man says but:
(a) Who hears him.
(b) How he says it.
(c) What he wanted to say.
(d) How it is received.

2. Milosz admits that he has great admiration for what people or force?
(a) The people who fight evil.
(b) The impersonal forces of history.
(c) The philosophers who prepare the way for change.
(d) The people who bring about change.

3. The "accidental unmaskings of Ketman," Chapter 3, are called _________ .
(a) Deviations.
(b) Hallucinations.
(c) Derivations.
(d) Perpetuations.

4. What do the Party dialecticians assert about art?
(a) The state only slightly moderates art.
(b) Individual art outside the party lines has no lasting value.
(c) Individual art has intrinsic value.
(d) Poets may write what content they choose as long as it follows the same form.

5. Every man considers his mode of life as what?
(a) Unnatural.
(b) Natural.
(c) Destined to change.
(d) Necessary.

6. Citizens of communist countries become adept in what skill, according to Milosz?
(a) Imitating.
(b) Persuading.
(c) Acting.
(d) Reasoning.

7. In 1932, Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz wrote a book entitled what?
(a) Insecurity.
(b) Instability.
(c) Insatiability.
(d) Incongruity.

8. In order to kept his apartment and good political standing, the man practicing aesthetic Ketman is willing to do what?
(a) Give up his first-born child.
(b) Make any sacrifice or compromise.
(c) Promote the party's interests at all costs.
(d) Make only the necessary sacrifices.

9. Milosz asserts that the man of the New Faith has the greatest fear of what action?
(a) Losing the capability to reason.
(b) Thinking for others.
(c) Acting based on others' decisions.
(d) Thinking for himself.

10. In Milosz's experience, how does a man change under communist rule?
(a) He sees the new rule as unnatural.
(b) He gains new habits quickly and asks no questions.
(c) He asks questions so he can understand the new government.
(d) He gains new habits slowly and painfully.

11. According to Chapter 4, as the Polish uprising fought the Nazis for control of Warsaw, what did the Red Army do?
(a) Sided with the Nazis.
(b) Sent troops to help.
(c) Waited in Moscow.
(d) Watched from across the river.

12. At the end of Chapter 3, how does Milosz succinctly define Ketman?
(a) For the benefit of mankind.
(b) Against something.
(c) Against the state.
(d) In the name of the state.

13. In a communist country, what is perhaps the best way to ensure one's safety?
(a) To join with like-minded people.
(b) To loudly proclaim Russia's pre-eminence.
(c) To keep one's opinions quiet.
(d) To become known as a spy.

14. Defining good and evil outside of party interests is what type of Ketman?
(a) Aesthetic Ketman.
(b) Sceptical Ketman.
(c) Metaphysical Ketman.
(d) Ethical Ketman.

15. Why did Alpha eventually become a communist?
(a) The party threatened his life.
(b) He was tricked into it.
(c) He had no other choice.
(d) He thought it was best for his family.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the Eastern communist regard everything from the West?

2. Chapter 2 notes that though it is good to be free from something, how does freedom become better?

3. In Chapter 4, who is Alpha, the Moralist?

4. American politics regarded Russia's invasion of Eastern countries with what emotion?

5. Multi-Bing pills establish ________ foundations rather than _________ .

(see the answer keys)

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