The Cape Ann Test | Final Test - Easy

Faith Sullivan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cape Ann Test | Final Test - Easy

Faith Sullivan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mama say her marriage was like?
(a) Like having a wild cat in her pocket.
(b) Like having a elephant sitting on her chest.
(c) Like having a hippopotamus sitting on her face.
(d) Like having a giraffe in her car.

2. What does she say about that kind of jelly bean?
(a) Someone told her they are the most sophisticated flavor.
(b) It's her mother's favorite.
(c) Neither of her parents like them.
(d) It's her father's favorite.

3. What dessert does Papa insist he wants for supper on the evening after Hilly's funeral?
(a) Chocolate cake.
(b) Chocolate ice cream.
(c) Nut bread.
(d) Raisin pie.

4. According to Mrs. Stillman, who came to visit while Lark napped?
(a) Papa.
(b) Aunt Betty.
(c) Beverly's mother.
(d) Lark's Mama.

5. What does Aunt Betty say she'd been doing during the day while Lark was at school?
(a) Sewing curtains.
(b) Planning their new house.
(c) Baking for the funeral.
(d) Making flower arrangements for the funeral.

6. How does Mama get the Christmas tree home?
(a) On top of the car.
(b) Papa goes to pick it up in the truck.
(c) She drags it.
(d) She has it delivered.

7. What is Lark's reaction when Papa slaps her?
(a) She bites him.
(b) She slaps him back.
(c) She gets ready to go.
(d) She runs away.

8. What kind of lessons is Lark taking?
(a) Typing.
(b) Ballet.
(c) Piano.
(d) Tap dance.

9. What does Lark look for in her purse?
(a) A comb.
(b) A quarter.
(c) A handkerchief.
(d) A barrette.

10. Where does Mama say she plans to go?
(a) Back to her mother's.
(b) Blue Lake.
(c) California.
(d) Colorado.

11. According to Mrs. Stillman's guest, who hurt Hilly?
(a) Mr. Wheeler.
(b) Axel Nelson.
(c) Willy Erhardt.
(d) Uncle Stan.

12. What does Grandpa give Lark as she is about to board the train?
(a) A deck of cards to play with on the train.
(b) Ice cream.
(c) A letter.
(d) Candy.

13. What is Papa eating as Lark prepares to go outside, carrying her sin notebook with her?
(a) Chicken.
(b) Apple crumb cake.
(c) Blueberry pie and ice cream.
(d) A bologna sandwich.

14. Where does Lark sit during Mass?
(a) Next to Papa.
(b) Near Mrs. Stillman.
(c) As far from Papa as possible.
(d) She doesn't go.

15. How much does Papa need to pay off his gambling debts?
(a) Eighty dollars.
(b) Five hundred dollars.
(c) Two hundred, fifty dollars.
(d) A thousand dollars.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lark say her name is as she approaches Mama and Aunt Betty?

2. What does Aunt Betty give the hobo in addition to the food and milk?

3. Why does Mama say she and Aunt Betty are going to Minneapolis?

4. What does Mama have in her hand when she and Papa get into an argument?

5. How does Lark say she knows that the young prince went to Heaven after committing suicide?

(see the answer keys)

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