The Cape Ann Test | Final Test - Easy

Faith Sullivan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Cape Ann Test | Final Test - Easy

Faith Sullivan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lark watch while Mrs. Stillman is talking to her guest?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Snow falling.
(c) Television.
(d) A neighbor shoveling snow.

2. What had Lark imagined living behind the jars in Grandma's cupboard?
(a) A gnome.
(b) A dragon.
(c) A rat.
(d) A fairy.

3. What act does Lark perform with Father Delias after the Communion?
(a) She gives him a sprig of lilac.
(b) She curtsies.
(c) She kisses his cheek.
(d) She kisses the back of his hand.

4. Which is Lark's favorite jelly bean?
(a) Red.
(b) Black.
(c) Yellow.
(d) Whtie.

5. Which kind of jelly bean does Lark eat first?
(a) The green.
(b) The red.
(c) The yellow.
(d) The black.

6. How did Hilly die?
(a) He shot himself.
(b) A neighbor shot him.
(c) He was accidentally hanged.
(d) He fell from his balcony.

7. How does Lark get a letter to Hilly?
(a) She sends it with her mother.
(b) She leaves it on the doorstep.
(c) She drops it off herself.
(d) She mails it.

8. What does Beverly reveal about Santa Claus?
(a) He isn't going to bring her any gifts.
(b) He's magic.
(c) He isn't real.
(d) He's really very skinny.

9. What does Beverly say when Lark says she's moving to California?
(a) Lark won't be happy there.
(b) She feels sorry for Lark.
(c) She'd be happy to go in Lark's place.
(d) Lark shoudl refuse to go.

10. What is at the top of Lark's Christmas list?
(a) A rocking chair.
(b) A new robe.
(c) A bicycle.
(d) A pony.

11. What does Mama leave for Papa and Lark when she goes to play bridge?
(a) Cake or pie.
(b) Popcorn.
(c) Fried chicken.
(d) Hershey bars.

12. How does Lark say she knows that the young prince went to Heaven after committing suicide?
(a) She saw the young prince in a dream.
(b) She doesn't say.
(c) She read it in the Bible.
(d) She heard Jesus and God arguing, and Jesus won.

13. What does Lark look for in her purse?
(a) A barrette.
(b) A quarter.
(c) A comb.
(d) A handkerchief.

14. What is the sound Lark describes as she's in the church awaiting her first Communion?
(a) The sound of rustling dresses.
(b) The sound of silence.
(c) The sound of church bells.
(d) The sound of bees in the lilac bushes.

15. How does Mama get the Christmas tree home?
(a) On top of the car.
(b) Papa goes to pick it up in the truck.
(c) She drags it.
(d) She has it delivered.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Lark and her Mama do the night before Lark's first Communion?

2. What is Lark's reaction when Papa slaps her?

3. What does Mama make for Sally, Beverly, and Lark as they study catechism at Lark's house?

4. How long does Papa say Aunt Betty can stay with them?

5. What does Mama say she'll give Papa after he gives her the tickets to California?

(see the answer keys)

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