The Canterbury Tales Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Canterbury Tales Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many wives has the Wife of Bath had?
(a) One.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Seven.

2. What does the Reeve think of the Miller's Tale?
(a) He does not give an opinion.
(b) He thinks it is more truth than fiction.
(c) He dislikes it.
(d) He enjoys it.

3. What does the friar in the Summoner's Tale promise in exchange for whatever the parishioners will give?
(a) Prayer and salvation.
(b) Peace of mind.
(c) God's blessings.
(d) Forgiveness of sins.

4. In the Clerk’s Tale, how does the king's charade end?
(a) The king confesses that it was all a test.
(b) The king marries his daughter.
(c) His wife is kidnapped by an enemy king.
(d) His wife dies of heartache.

5. What does Thomas's wife want the friar to preach to Thomas about?
(a) Gluttony.
(b) Envy.
(c) Lust.
(d) Anger.

6. What is the Narrator's name?
(a) The Narrator's name is not given.
(b) Sir Topas.
(c) Geoffrey Chaucer.
(d) Sir Gawain.

7. Who tells the Franklin to go on with his tale?
(a) The Host.
(b) The Knight.
(c) The Prioress.
(d) The Squire.

8. Who wrote The Canterbury Tales?
(a) Geoffrey Chaucer.
(b) William Shakespeare.
(c) Sir Gawain.
(d) Oscar Wilde.

9. What is the yeoman's real identity?
(a) A demon.
(b) An angel.
(c) A priest.
(d) A ghost.

10. Who does the king in the Clerk’s Tale choose as his bride?
(a) She is not named.
(b) Janicula.
(c) Griselda.
(d) Alison.

11. Why does the Reeve want to tell the next tale?
(a) The Host asks him to tell the next story.
(b) To pay the Miller back for his story.
(c) To show the Miller he is not the type of character from the Miller's Tale.
(d) The Narrator insists that he tell the next tale.

12. What is the job of the spies in The Friar's Tale?
(a) To get information for homilies.
(b) To gather tithes from parish members.
(c) To gather information about parish members.
(d) To find out who is speaking out against the church.

13. Who restores January's sight?
(a) Venus.
(b) Pluto.
(c) Prosperpina.
(d) An angel.

14. Why is the Friar warned before he tells his tale?
(a) To keep his tale short.
(b) To keep him from using bad language.
(c) To keep his tale from being uncomplimentary.
(d) To keep his tale entertaining.

15. In the Squire’s Tale, what gift is the king's daughter given by the mysterious guest?
(a) A pear tree.
(b) A ring.
(c) A necklace.
(d) A dove.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the knight in the Wife of Bath's Tale do that gets him in trouble?

2. What is the question the knight must answer?

3. Who ultimately wins Emilie's hand?

4. What happens when the friar returns to the convent?

5. What does the corrupt man's wife have?

(see the answer keys)

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