The Californios Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Californios Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Francisco lagging behind the other man?
(a) Francisco is trying to distance himself from Russell.
(b) Francisco is trying to distance himself from Juan.
(c) Francisco is trying to distance himself from Machado.
(d) Francisco is trying to distance himself from Silva.

2. What does Russell find when he follows some tracks?
(a) A table.
(b) Francisco.
(c) Three men.
(d) Another cave.

3. What confirms Eileen's theory about the gold coming from the hills?
(a) Some small gold nuggets laying around.
(b) Seeing a note scrawled by Jaime on a rock.
(c) Juan.
(d) Pick and shovel marks on the stone.

4. What sounds are coming from the hills?
(a) Wolves howling.
(b) Laughter and coyote howls.
(c) Owls hooting.
(d) None.

5. What does Pico know about Eileen?
(a) That she is set for life with the amount of gold she found.
(b) That she is lying.
(c) That she is about to marry.
(d) That she is ill.

6. What does Wooston learn that angers him?
(a) That the governor has decided not to support Wooston's claims.
(b) About the rumors of his underhanded way to get Eileen off her land.
(c) About the upcoming fandango.
(d) About Eileen's upcoming marriage.

7. What does Eileen realize as she is waking Juan?
(a) Juan is older than she first thought.
(b) The gold can wait.
(c) Juan is ill.
(d) He is dead.

8. Of whom is Russell said to be an enemy?
(a) The Senora.
(b) The Spirits.
(c) The Sky.
(d) The Land.

9. What does Eileen plan to tell the people in the area?
(a) That Machado shot Sean.
(b) That gold has been discovered.
(c) That Machado shot Win.
(d) That Juan is dead.

10. What do Sean and Eileen do when they stop at a local store?
(a) Spread the news of the gold and the fandango.
(b) Talk about what Wooston has done.
(c) Show everyone the gold they have found.
(d) Buy numerous quarts of whiskey for the fandango.

11. Who is with Francisco in the mountains?
(a) Machado.
(b) Juan.
(c) Silva.
(d) Russell.

12. Who speaks to Machado's men from the darkness?
(a) A spirit.
(b) Sean.
(c) Juan.
(d) Montero.

13. Who arrives at the party?
(a) The governor.
(b) The Sheriff and several deputies.
(c) Machado and some of his men.
(d) Wooston.

14. What does Juan warn Eileen not to do?
(a) Anger the spirits.
(b) Try to beat Wooston legally.
(c) Wander off.
(d) Try to find the gold alone.

15. What does Francisco talk about as the men are traveling?
(a) His girlfriend.
(b) Francisco is completely silent.
(c) The Unknown Ones the the Old One.
(d) How he will spend the gold.

Short Answer Questions

1. What will help the Mulkerin family obtain another loan?

2. What city is described as a pueblo with a few adobes, a church a few stores and cantinas?

3. Who is missing from the group Wooston sent to confront Eileen's group?

4. Who is the elderly man on the burro the Indian is leading?

5. Where does Sean tell Mariana to ride if Machado's men find them?

(see the answer keys)

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