The Brothers K Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Brothers K Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much money does Peter have stolen from him in India?
(a) $17.50.
(b) $570.00.
(c) $120.00.
(d) $2000.00.

2. What name does Natasha want to give her baby?
(a) Myshkin.
(b) Everett Jr.
(c) Irwin.
(d) Hugh.

3. What does Everett burn after he struggles to recapture his joy of reading in Book Five?
(a) All of his textbooks from college.
(b) His journal.
(c) His library card.
(d) His favorite book.

4. When Peter goes to visit Everett in Seattle on his way back to Harvard, where do they meet?
(a) At a concert.
(b) At the airport.
(c) At a bar called Van Gogos.
(d) At the library.

5. What causes Everett to give up his baseball dream?
(a) Striking out four times in a play off opener.
(b) Coach Bunnell tells him he isn't talented.
(c) No colleges offer him a scholarship.
(d) Hugh tells him to pursue school instead.

Short Answer Questions

1. What enables Peter to travel to India for a year in fulfillment of a lifelong dream?

2. What are the "scriptures of baseball"?

3. How old is Linda when she marries Irwin?

4. What do they serve for dinner at Everett's penitentiary when reporters come?

5. Who recites the Lord's Prayer and several scriptures after Hugh's death?

Short Essay Questions

1. What piece of pitching advice does Freddy recite at Hugh's wake?

2. After going into hiding after burning his draft card, which event causes Everett to question his identity and value?

3. How is Everett's attitude in regards to his imprisonment?

4. How is Peter afraid of hurting his father in regard to baseball in Book Four?

5. What secret does Bet confide to Everett in her first letter in Book Six?

6. Why is Everett so suited to activism?

7. What causes Winnifred, or Freddy, to become upset at Sunday School with Mrs. Babcock and to begin quoting Muhammad?

8. What reason does Peter give Laura for taking a job at the mill in Chapter 5?

9. What does Kincaid dream about on their journey home in Book Six that startles and scares him?

10. Why does Irwin quit the baseball team?

(see the answer keys)

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