The Broken Cord Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Broken Cord Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was the study conducted about excessive drinking among Native Americans, as referred to in Chapter 6 of "The Broken Cord"?
(a) 1980s.
(b) 1960s.
(c) 1970s.
(d) 1990s.

2. According to Chapter 6 details an article indicated that men of what tribe suffered few repercussions for excessive drinking while all the women were ostracized?
(a) Cree.
(b) Navajo.
(c) Sioux.
(d) Lakota.

3. What birthday did Michael mention Adam celebrated in Chapter 2 of the book?
(a) 5th.
(b) 6th.
(c) 3rd.
(d) 4th.

4. On the way to the naming ceremony, what did Adam get tangled in his hair?
(a) Candy.
(b) A comb.
(c) Stickers.
(d) Gum.

5. Why was Michael's return trip from Montreal longer than when he traveled there?
(a) Adam's health.
(b) His health.
(c) Bad weather.
(d) Vehcile repairs.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Adam's initial health problems, who suggested Michael stop the adoption process if Adam's health problems turned out to be serious?

2. In Chapter 4 of "The Broken Cord," Michael noted that what woman was an anthropologist?

3. What was recommended to Michael to untangle Adam's hair while on the naming ceremony trip?

4. Michael described in Chapter 3 how he called the doctor in Littleton for help when Adam seized while they were snowed in and the doctor told him what?

5. Who initially called Michael with the option to adopt Adam, and was more surprised than Michael that a single man had been approved?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Michael feel about a home visit and what did he do in preparation, according to details in Chapter 2 of the book?

2. In the Foreword, what did Louise describe as the most "damaging aspect" of fetal alcohol syndrome and why?

3. By adopting Adam, what did Michael believe about Adam's quality of life compared to not adopting him, as noted in details provided in Chapter 4 through 6 of the book?

4. What did Michael learn about Adam's birth parents and siblings?

5. What was Louise's position on alcohol rehabilitation programs?

6. After Adam's initial health issues, what did Michael note in Chapter 3 of "The Broken Cord" about Adam's recovery over a period of time?

7. How did Michael's dream the night before the naming ceremony end up being connected with the ceremony?

8. How did Michael find out about Adam's birth parents and why did he not want to know about them when he adopted Adam?

9. How did Adam's presence in Michael's life bring discrimination to Michael's door?

10. What advice did a nurse at the hospital in Littleton give when she found out Michael was in the process of adopting Adam?

(see the answer keys)

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