The Broken Cord Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Broken Cord Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what month did Louise and Michael marry?
(a) June.
(b) October.
(c) January.
(d) August.

2. In Chapter 1, where was the airport located in which Michael waited for a social worker to take him to his adopted child?
(a) New Zealand.
(b) Pierre.
(c) Tyonek.
(d) Anchorage.

3. Once back home from Adam's time in the hospital in Littleton, how much time went by before Michael had to contact the doctor about Adam's health?
(a) A week.
(b) 3 weeks.
(c) A few days.
(d) 2 months.

4. Who invited Michael and Adam to a naming ceremony?
(a) Annie.
(b) Beatrice.
(c) Olivia.
(d) Louise.

5. What was the name of the dog given to Michael and Adam when welcomed home together for the first time?
(a) Rocky.
(b) Skahota.
(c) Dakota.
(d) Bear.

6. In Chapter 6 of "The Broken Cord" Michael recounted a story about drinking heavily with a girlfriend and neither of them realizing she had broken a bone in what part of her body?
(a) Leg.
(b) Arm.
(c) Foot.
(d) Finger.

7. Who traveled with Michael and Adam to the Indian reservation after Michael had experiences discrimination while booking a hotel for him and Adam?
(a) Karen.
(b) Annie.
(c) Jeaneen.
(d) Beatrice.

8. What did Michael's Indian name mean?
(a) Eagle Wing.
(b) Black Bear.
(c) Fly with the Eagle.
(d) Hawk.

9. In Chapters 4 through 6 who saw Adam's picture and told Michael that Adam reminded them of someone back home?
(a) His students.
(b) His friends.
(c) Some of his family.
(d) His colleagues.

10. Michael responded to people complaining about poverty in their community, by telling them to take responsibility for their lives and their what?
(a) Selves.
(b) Homes.
(c) Others.
(d) Children.

11. What social worker did Michael mention picked him up from the airport when he waited to be taken to pick up Adam for adoption?
(a) Clare.
(b) Rita.
(c) Janet.
(d) Denis.

12. In Chapter 4 of "The Broken Cord," Michael noted that what woman was an anthropologist?
(a) Beatrice.
(b) Janet.
(c) Karen.
(d) Clare.

13. In Chapter 6 of "The Broken Cord" who did Michael overhear talking about Adam's birth parents?
(a) Nurses.
(b) Social workers.
(c) Doctors.
(d) Adam.

14. In Chapter 6 when Michael mentioned Adam's birth father, Michael noted that the father was where?
(a) In rehab.
(b) In prison.
(c) In the hospital.
(d) In jail.

15. What Indian name was Michael given during the naming ceremony?
(a) Wamkbli.
(b) Nizhoni.
(c) Chetan.
(d) Can Ra.

Short Answer Questions

1. Michael mentioned in Chapter 3 that he was offered a teaching job where?

2. What was the name of the social worker that contacted Michael that Adam was available for adoption?

3. Where was the program located that Michael applied to for Adam in Chapter 5 of "The Broken Cord," but the application was rejected?

4. How did Michael get to Montreal?

5. Michael described in Chapter 2 of "The Broken Cord" how he was awakened after getting Adam moved from Littleton and told what about Adam?

(see the answer keys)

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