The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics Test | Final Test - Medium

Daniel James Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics Test | Final Test - Medium

Daniel James Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many of Eleanor Holm's fellow athletes signed a petition to have her reinstated in the 1936 Olympic Games?
(a) Less than 5.
(b) About 50.
(c) Over 300.
(d) Over 200.

2. Who was the coxswain for Navy at the Olympic trials in 1936?
(a) Joe Louis.
(b) Gordy Adam.
(c) Wink Winslow.
(d) Vic Krulak.

3. Who was Joyce Simdars' employer that payed for her to take cooking lessons after she made an unpalatable duck a l'orange?
(a) Mrs. Moch.
(b) Mrs. Thompson.
(c) Mrs. Brougham.
(d) Mrs. Tellwright.

4. What crewman at the University of Washington had spent five brutal months fishing for salmon on the Bering Sea in Alaska to raise money to attend college?
(a) Ed Stanley.
(b) Harvey Love.
(c) Gordy Adam.
(d) George Hunt.

5. What was the profession of Bobby Moch's father?
(a) He was a politician.
(b) He was a baker and chef.
(c) He was a schoolteacher.
(d) He was a watchmaker and jeweler.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who were the four crewman that had incomplete coursework and faced being declared ineligible to row at the University of Washington in May of 1936?

2. Who was in charge of the cookhouse for the Washington crew when they arrived for the race at Poughkeepsie in 1936?

3. Who was the stroke on the German crew at the 1936 Olympics?

4. Where was the long-distance runner Louis Zamperini from?

5. How old did Adolf Hitler turn on April 20, 1936?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the author describe the University of Washington crew's performance at the final Olympic trial in Part 4: Touching the Divine, Chapter 15?

2. Where did the American rowing crews lodge and train during the 1936 Summer Olympics? How is this setting described by the author?

3. How did fans and reporters respond when Al Ulbrickson made the decision to pull the sophomore team from the varsity lineup at Poughkeepsie in 1935?

4. What last-minute decision did Al Ulbrickson make regarding his crew as they set out for their final race in the 1936 Olympic games? How did the crew respond to this decision?

5. How does the author describe the University of Washington crew's performance at the regatta in Poughkeepsie in 1936?

6. Why was Al Ulbrickson concerned about Don Hume and his performance as the University of Washington crew trained in Germany before their trials in Part 4: Touching the Divine, Chapter 17?

7. What did Bobby Moch's father warn him of when he knew that Bobby would be going to Berlin for the 1936 Olympics? Why?

8. Why was the 1936 regatta against the University of California at Berkeley significant for Joe Rantz? How did the University of Washington perform in the race?

9. What were the Nuremberg Laws that Hitler enacted in 1935? How did these laws define German citizenship?

10. Whom did Joe Rantz befriend while working at the Grand Coulee Dam site? How are these individuals described by the author?

(see the answer keys)

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