The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel James Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel James Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Adolf Hitler do when the announcement was made of the winners of the men's eights event at the 1936 Olympics?
(a) He walked away silently.
(b) He began screaming and crying.
(c) He shot himself.
(d) He cheered for the American team.

2. What crewman at the University of Washington had spent five brutal months fishing for salmon on the Bering Sea in Alaska to raise money to attend college?
(a) Harvey Love.
(b) Gordy Adam.
(c) Ed Stanley.
(d) George Hunt.

3. On what date did the University of Washington crew members depart on the train for Poughkeepsie in 1936?
(a) June 10.
(b) July 5.
(c) June 24.
(d) March 1.

4. What did Joyce do after turning off the radio when the Americans won the men's eights at the 1936 Olympics?
(a) She called her father.
(b) She made sandwiches.
(c) She called her mother.
(d) She called Joe.

5. What did Al Ulbrickson announce to the University of Washington crew as they left on the train for Poughkeepsie in 1936?
(a) He wanted them to lose 5-10 pounds.
(b) He was quitting coaching.
(c) He wanted them to gain 3-4 pounds.
(d) He wasn't going with them to Germany.

6. How tall was Bobby Moch in 1936?
(a) 5'3".
(b) 5'9".
(c) 6'1".
(d) 5'7".

7. On what network did Royal Brougham announce the live broadcast of the Olympic rowing trials in 1936?
(a) CBS.
(b) NBC.
(c) ABC.
(d) FOX.

8. Who was the stroke for the British crew at the 1936 Olympics?
(a) George Hunt.
(b) Gordy Adam.
(c) George A. Wyman.
(d) William George Ranald Mundell Laurie.

9. Who was the head of Cornell's rowing program at the Olympic trials in 1936?
(a) Jim Wray.
(b) Charlie McDonald.
(c) Lloyd Saxton.
(d) Ed Stanley.

10. At what posh hotel did the athletic director from Stanford invite the Washington crew boys to dine with him?
(a) Lindner Hotel.
(b) Hotel Adlon.
(c) Four Seasons Berlin.
(d) Nhow Berlin.

11. What rowing crew at the 1936 Olympics was comprised entirely of police officers?
(a) The French.
(b) The Australians.
(c) The Germans.
(d) The British.

12. By what name did the dust storm that hit on April 14, 1935 become known?
(a) Black Friday.
(b) Black Monday.
(c) Black Thursday.
(d) Black Sunday.

13. Of the Grand Coulee Dam, the narrator says it was "so massive that by the time it was finished it would be the largest masonry structure built since" what?
(a) The Empire State Building.
(b) The Great Pyramid at Giza.
(c) The Great Wall of China.
(d) The Sears Tower.

14. What was the area called where Joe Rantz rented a cheap room while working at the Grand Coulee Dam site?
(a) Dinghy Pond.
(b) Hooverville.
(c) Jackson Square.
(d) Shack Town.

15. Who was the coxswain for the British crew at the 1936 Olympic Games?
(a) Avery Brundage.
(b) John Noel Duckworth.
(c) Gordy Adam.
(d) Ed Stanley.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Bobby Moch grow up?

2. Who was the senior that Ulbrickson swapped out for George Morry as coxswain on the sophomore boat at Poughkeepsie in 1935?

3. Who was the stroke man for Penn State at the 1936 Olympic trials?

4. What deliberately risky tactic did Al Ulbrickson decide to use in the regatta in Poughkeepsie in 1936?

5. What film studio came to shoot newsreel of the University of Washington rowing crew as they practiced in January of 1936?

(see the answer keys)

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