The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Daniel James Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Daniel James Brown
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year did Ed Leader leave the University of Washington's rowing program to coach at Yale?
(a) 1923.
(b) 1933.
(c) 1919.
(d) 1926.

2. In what year did Joe Rantz's parents marry?
(a) 1875.
(b) 1882.
(c) 1915.
(d) 1899.

3. On what date did George Pocock and his brother Dick first arrive in Vancouver, Canada?
(a) March 31, 1914.
(b) March 11, 1911.
(c) December 14, 1930.
(d) March 23, 1891.

4. In their sophomore year, Joe Rantz's crew changed their rowing chant from "M-I-B" to what?
(a) L-G-B.
(b) L-O-C.
(c) B-R-B.
(d) M-A-C.

5. Whose quotations open almost each chapter of The Boys in the Boat?
(a) Joe Rantz's.
(b) Ky Ebright's.
(c) Al Ulbrickson's.
(d) George Pocock's.

6. Who replaced Ed Leader as the head coach of the University of Washington rowing program?
(a) Willis Thompson.
(b) Harvey Love.
(c) Ky Ebright.
(d) Russell Callow.

7. Who wrote an exuberant account of the Cal-Washington varsity regatta for the Associated Press in 1934?
(a) Harvey Love.
(b) Russell Callow.
(c) Willis Thompson.
(d) Frank G. Gorrie.

8. What was the name of the University of Washington student that accidentally set himself on fire during a bonfire and was killed in 1933?
(a) Angus Hay Jr.
(b) Willis Thompson.
(c) Byron Noble.
(d) Roger Morris.

9. Who accompanied Joe Rantz as he made his way to the University of Washington crew tryouts in Part 1: What Seasons They Have Been Through, Chapter 1?
(a) George A. Wyman.
(b) Tom Bolles.
(c) Byron Noble.
(d) Roger Morris.

10. What was the name of the swing band that Roger Morris played with for extra money on the weekends while attending school at the University of Washington?
(a) The Black-jackets.
(b) The White Notes.
(c) The Blue Lyres.
(d) The Green Keys.

11. Where was Joyce Simdar sent to live with an aunt after her family's home burned down?
(a) New York, New York.
(b) Great Falls, Montana.
(c) Smithville, Kansas.
(d) Newark, New Jersey.

12. Who was the freshman rowing coach at the University of Washington in 1933?
(a) Tom Bolles.
(b) George A. Wyman.
(c) Byron Noble.
(d) Al Ulbrickson.

13. Who is described in Part 3: The Parts That Really Matter, Chapter 9 as "the savvy little coxswain of what seemed to be shaping up to be the best of the JV boats"?
(a) Charlie McDonald.
(b) Bobby Moch.
(c) Harvey Love.
(d) George Hunt.

14. What was the name of the seventeen-year-old boy who sat in the number two seat of the freshman crew in the beginning of Part 2: Resiliency, Chapter 8?
(a) Willis Thompson.
(b) Harvey Love.
(c) Russell Callow.
(d) George Hunt.

15. Who was the coxswain of the varsity boat that raced against the freshmen at the University of Washington in Part 2: Resiliency, Chapter 6?
(a) Harry Rantz.
(b) Angus Hay Jr.
(c) Harvey Love.
(d) Willis Thompson.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where were the University of Washington rowing crew tryouts held in Part 1: What Seasons They Have Been Through, Chapter 1?

2. Who were the brothers that were in the all-sophomore boat and the JV boat and sustained a sibling rivalry in Part 3: The Parts That Really Matter, Chapter 9?

3. What was the name of Thula's mother?

4. Who revealed to Joe Rantz the location where his father had been living in Part 2: Resiliency, Chapter 8?

5. What was the name of the family that Joe's father took Joe to live with near the Hama Hama Logging Company in 1924?

(see the answer keys)

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