The Boy Who Dared Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Susan Campbell Bartoletti
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boy Who Dared Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Susan Campbell Bartoletti
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In 1942, what color prison smock does Helmuth wear?
(a) Blue.
(b) Gray.
(c) Orange.
(d) Brown.

2. When is Austria reunited with Germany?
(a) Spring 1938.
(b) Fall 1938.
(c) Summer 1938.
(d) Winter 1938.

3. When does Helmuth's mother have a new boyfriend?
(a) March 1935.
(b) June 1935.
(c) April 1935.
(d) May 1935.

4. In 1938 what does Herr Vinke do when Helmuth asks why a solider does not let the flag fall and save himself?
(a) Gives the class an extra homework assignment.
(b) Puts a mark in Helmuth's Party record book.
(c) Slaps Helmuth's hand with a ruler.
(d) Makes Helmuth write 100 lines of text.

5. Who do Helmuth and Rudi find might have committed a murder in 1938?
(a) Thomas Waltz.
(b) Luther Williams.
(c) Franz Seemann.
(d) Martin Klein.

Short Answer Questions

1. What day does the executioner work in 1942?

2. In 1942, how many paces does it take Helmuth to go the length of his cell?

3. What is the wall like in 1942?

4. The day that Hitler was appointed chancellor, what did Helmuth's mother fix for supper?

5. Where is Helmuth's church in 1942?

Short Essay Questions

1. In a radio speech in 1933, what does Hitler say about communism?

2. Who is Hugo Hubener?

3. In 1939, why does Hugo say that laws like not listening to foreign radio stations are necessary during wartime?

4. What does Helmuth fear in 1942 and why is he relieved after breakfast arrives?

5. What is Helmuth waiting for at school on January 30, 1933, and what does he learn?

6. in 1938 what questions does Helmuth asks that gets him in trouble and gets him and his classmates extra homework?

7. In 1938 how does Helmuth feel when he writes an essay saying what his teacher Herr Vinke wants to hear?

8. In 1942, what does Helmuth do when a loud bell clangs?

9. In 1932, what does Helmuth imagine as he plays with his soldiers and Gerhard reads?

10. In 1938 what do Helmuth and Rudi decide to do together?

(see the answer keys)

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