The Book of Evidence Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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The Book of Evidence Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Section 4 (pages 168-183).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Montgomery's mother insist on him looking over the house?
(a) She wants him to see the repairs she made.
(b) One day the house would be his.
(c) She wants him to make repairs.
(d) She wants him to see the art she bought.

2. Montgomery has spent the night drinking and has to hail a taxi. How does Montgomery act as he waits for his taxi?
(a) He yells at people as they walk by.
(b) He kneels, holds his arms, and rocks.
(c) He has a cigarette.
(d) He impatiently taps his foot.

3. As Montgomery is talking to his mother at his family home he looks at his mother and notices something. What does he realize?
(a) She has had a stroke.
(b) She has gotten plastic surgery.
(c) She has gained weight.
(d) She has lost weight.

4. Charlie has a dinner party and does not invite Montgomery. How does Montgomery feel about this?
(a) He doesn't care.
(b) He is thrilled because he finds them boring.
(c) He is insulted and feels Charlie is avoiding him.
(d) He gets angry and confrontational.

5. What is Maolseachlainn's trick in the courtroom?
(a) He is very intimidating.
(b) He finds small details and uses them.
(c) He keeps asking questions multiple ways.
(d) He's very sarcastic.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Montgomery feel it is necessary to tell the court that he is not?

2. Montgomery comes back into the present to tell the courts about where he had gone that day. Where did he go?

3. As Montgomery is speaking to the courts he claims his wife visited him in jail. Why did he become upset with his wife?

4. What room in Montgomery's family home now appears to be most lived in?

5. What does Montgomery buy at the hardware shop?

(see the answer key)

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