The Bluest Eye Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bluest Eye Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What lake is near where Claudia and Frieda live in the novel?
(a) Lake Huron.
(b) Lake Erie.
(c) Lake Michigan.
(d) Lake Superior.

2. How did Pauline Williams injure her foot when she was young?
(a) She stepped on a rusty nail.
(b) A dog bit her.
(c) She fell down the stairs.
(d) She kicked a door.

3. Which teacher does Frieda say called Bay Boy “incorrigival” in Part III?
(a) Miss Barkley.
(b) Miss Erkmeister.
(c) Miss Julia.
(d) Miss Forrester.

4. In speaking of Cholly, Mrs. Breedlove says in Part IV, “I started to leave him once, but something came up. Once, after he tried to” do what?
(a) “Light the house on fire.”
(b) “Drown himself.”
(c) “Shoot himself.”
(d) “Hang himself.”

5. Who is the gym teacher that Maureen describes as bow-legged in Part III?
(a) Miss Erkmeister.
(b) Miss Cain.
(c) Miss Forrester.
(d) Miss Peal.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is described as a “competent midwife and decisive diagnostician” during Aunt Jimmy’s illness in Part IV?

2. What does Frieda say her mother hit Mr. Henry with in Part IV?

3. According to Frieda in Part III, Mrs. Cain told her mother that Woodward did what?

4. What does the narrator say Aunt Jimmy died of in Part IV?

5. Where did Pauline Williams’s family move after World War I for the mines and millwork?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who do Claudia and Frieda encounter leaving their house when they return from Miss Bertha’s store in Part III?

2. How is Cholly Breedlove’s childhood described in “See Father…”? Who raised Cholly?

3. How is Maureen Peal described when she is first introduced in “Winter”?

4. What are Claudia and Frieda’s feelings about Maureen Peal when she moves to Lorain in “Winter”?

5. What leads to Claudia and Frieda buying snacks at Miss Bertha’s in Part III?

6. Where do Frieda and Claudia go to find Pecola after their exchange with Maginot Line in “Spring”? How is this setting described?

7. What are Pauline Breedlove’s feelings about motherhood, according to the narrator in “See Mother…”?

8. How does Mrs. Breedlove respond when she finds the spilled cobbler in “Spring”?

9. How is Geraldine’s family described in “See the Cat…”? Upon what does Geraldine focus her affection?

10. What misunderstanding at the ice cream parlor contributes to the growing tension between Claudia and Maureen in “Winter”?

(see the answer keys)

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