The Blithedale Romance Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Blithedale Romance Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes Coverdale believe that Hollingsworth must be appropriating Zenobia's funds so lavishly?

2. How does Moodie describe his second daughter when she was a child?

3. After Priscilla falls to Zenobia's feet in Section 13, Chapter 25, Zenobia tells Priscilla that much has changed since they first met; what else does she tell Priscilla?

4. Who comes to take Zenobia and Priscilla away from the boardinghouse at the end of Section 10, Chapter 20?

5. Who refuses to join Hollingsworth in his scheme, though it is a great effort?

Short Essay Questions

1. What strange foreboding does Coverdale have after Zenobia leaves Blithedale, and what does he do?

2. What vision of Coverdale's does Hollingsworth mock?

3. What message does Zenobia ask Coverdale to take to Hollingsworth after she leaves Blithedale?

4. How does Zenobia demonstrate her love and loyalty for Hollingsworth?

5. What does Coverdale dream about in Section 9, Chapter 18 that torments him?

6. After Zenobia asks for Priscilla's forgiveness in Section 13, Chapter 25, what question does Zenobia ask her?

7. What scheme does Hollingsworth ask Coverdale to join him in?

8. What is one thing that Coverdale observes while looking out his hotel window?

9. How does Coverdale compare the setting of his hotel to the setting at Blithedale?

10. How does Coverdale feel as he leaves Blithedale in Section 8, Chapter 16?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Priscilla's character is surrounded by much mystery and questions. Analyze the character of Priscilla, examine her affect on the other characters, and compare her character to Zenobia. What is the connection between Priscilla and Zenobia? How did Priscilla come to Blithedale? What is an example from the text that demonstrates Priscilla's feelings for Hollingsworth?

Essay Topic 2

The style in which the author of The Blithedale Romance writes is very important to the overall story. Study Nathaniel Hawthorne's use of style in The Blithedale Romance and how it affects the overall story. What choices does Hawthorne use in his writing that shows his unique style? Does Hawthorne use tactical choices in grammar or word usage? How can sentence and paragraph length affect the overall story? What kind of imagery does Hawthorne use?

Essay Topic 3

Hollingsworth is a very strong dominant character in The Blithedale Romance. Analyze the character of Hollingsworth, examine his affect on the other characters, and compare his character to Coverdale. Who is more passionate about Blithedale: Hollingsworth or Coverdale? How do the other characters in the novel feel about Hollingsworth? How does Hollingsworth affect Priscilla and Zenobia?

(see the answer keys)

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