The Blithedale Romance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Blithedale Romance Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Coverdale find Zenobia and Priscilla doing in the barn, in Section 4, Chapter 8?
(a) Lauging and celebrating the holiday together.
(b) Reading and discussing their books.
(c) Feeding the horses.
(d) Arguing.

2. In Section 6, Chapter 12, Coverdale watches Hollingsworth beckoning the others; what does he think Hollingsworth sees all of mankind as?
(a) Another chicken in the coop.
(b) Another pig in the pen.
(c) Another herd of cattle.
(d) Another yoke of oxen.

3. What is the name of Mrs. Foster's husband?
(a) Sam.
(b) Silas.
(c) Steven.
(d) Simon.

4. Why does Coverdale regret peremptorily ending his conversation with Professor Westervelt?
(a) He's curious what Westervelt might know about Moodie.
(b) He's curious what Westervelt might know about Hollingsworth.
(c) He's curious what Westervelt might know about Priscilla.
(d) He's curious what Westervelt might know about Zenobia.

5. What does Mr. Coverdale compare Zenobia to in Section 2, Chapter 3?
(a) The ocean.
(b) Eve in the Garden of Eden.
(c) An exotic flower.
(d) The sun.

6. In Zenobia's story about the Veiled Lady, what spell does the magician tell the lady about, after warning her of peril?
(a) To throw a veil over the maiden's head, which is a binding spell, and summon him who will seize the maiden.
(b) To throw a veil over the maiden's head, which is a binding spell, and summon him who will seize the white horse.
(c) To throw a veil over the maiden's head, which is a binding spell, and summon him who will seize the golden necklace.
(d) To throw a veil over the maiden's head, which is a binding spell, and summon him who will seize the Veiled Lady.

7. What does Coverdale suggest to Hollingsworth that he should be, in Section 3, Chapter 6?
(a) A farmer.
(b) A banker.
(c) A priest.
(d) A lawyer.

8. What intrigues Mr. Coverdale about the man who accosts him on his way back to his apartment?
(a) The person seems very familiar.
(b) The person is blind.
(c) The hint that a lady's influence may be desirable.
(d) The hint that a gentlemen's influence may be desirable.

9. Where do Hollingsworth, Zenobia, Priscilla, and Coverdale often spend their Sundays?
(a) At a rock named Ernest's Pulpit.
(b) At a rock named Eli's Pulpit.
(c) At a rock named Emmett's Pulpit.
(d) At a rock named Eliot's Pulpit.

10. Who does Coverdale suggest to Hollingsworth that he believes Zenobia to be the sister of?
(a) Priscilla.
(b) Mr. Foster.
(c) Mrs. Foster.
(d) The Veiled Lady.

11. Why does Coverdale believe the neighbors of Blithedale slander their farming abilities?
(a) Because they are scared of them.
(b) Because they want to destroy them.
(c) Because they are mean.
(d) Because of their envy and malice.

12. In Zenobia's story about the Veiled Lady, what does the Lady tell the young man who sneaks into her room will happen to him if he kisses her?
(a) He will condem himelf to death.
(b) He will help to free her from the spell.
(c) He will be pledged to her, and from that instant she is doomed to be his evil fate.
(d) He will never be able to forget her.

13. After the first group dinner at Blithedale, what does Mr. Foster do while everyone adjourns to the sitting room?
(a) Cobbles an old pair of boots by the kitchen fire.
(b) Goes to bed.
(c) Sits on the porch and smokes his pipe.
(d) Takes out the garbage.

14. In Section 6, Chapter 12, when Zenobia is asked why she does not fling Priscilla off, how does she reply?
(a) She will not fail Priscilla because the girl has clung to her from the first.
(b) She is trying to impress Hollingsworth.
(c) She must keep her enemies closer.
(d) She has begun to care for the girl.

15. What are Mrs. Foster and her husband in charge of at Blithedale?
(a) They manage the house and teach the women to cook.
(b) They teach at the schoolhouse in Blithedale.
(c) They are in charge of feeding everyone at Blithedale.
(d) They manage the farm and teach the upperclassmen the art of husbandry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Zenobia praise Mr. Coverdale about at the beginning of Section 2, Chapter 3, as everyone arrives at Blithedale?

2. Coverdale believes he has done Hollingsworth a great wrong by prying into his character; why can't he help it?

3. What does Mr. Coverdale suspect about Priscilla and Zenobia in Section 3, Chapter 5?

4. What makes Coverdale realize that Zenobia will not be friends with Priscilla for long?

5. In Zenobia's story about the Veiled Lady, who sneaks into the Lady's private chamber with the intent of unveiling her?

(see the answer keys)

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