The Black Cauldron Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Black Cauldron Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Orddu call the Black Cauldron?
(a) The Black Kettle.
(b) The Dark Cauldron.
(c) The Dark Crockery.
(d) The Black Crochan.

2. Who says they should give Ellidyr the food he asks for?
(a) Fflewddur.
(b) Eilonwy.
(c) Gurgi.
(d) Taran.

3. Why does Fflewddur say Taran should go to sleep immediately?
(a) To make the enchantresses worry.
(b) To dream of something that will help them.
(c) To get some rest so he can stand watch later.
(d) To recover his courage.

4. Why does Orddu say Eilonwy must not touch the fabric on a loom?
(a) It's filled with nettles.
(b) It carries a dark magic.
(c) It is enchanted.
(d) It isn't finished.

5. How many gwythaints does Ellidyr say he killed?
(a) Eight.
(b) Five.
(c) Two.
(d) Dozens.

6. What does Orddu first suggest Taran might trade for the cauldron?
(a) The North Wind in a bag.
(b) His horse.
(c) His most precious memory.
(d) The Book of Three.

7. Where does Fflewddur say Ellidyr has gone?
(a) To Caer Dallben.
(b) He doesn't know.
(c) To join Arawn.
(d) Toward the marsh.

8. Who is the first to cross the river?
(a) Gurgi, leading the horses.
(b) Taran, carrying the front of the cauldron.
(c) Eilonwy, looking for drop offs.
(d) Fflewddur, carrying the front of the cauldron.

9. Who kills Morgant?
(a) Smoit.
(b) Doli.
(c) Ellidyr.
(d) Taran.

10. What does Taran say he believes the group should do?
(a) Steal the cauldron.
(b) Destroy the cauldron.
(c) Tell Dallben and Gwydion.
(d) Nothing.

11. What is wrong with Doli's ears when he first appears in Chapter Twenty?
(a) They're bleeding.
(b) They're scratched.
(c) They're blue.
(d) They're frozen.

12. Why does Taran suggest that Morgant cast him into the cauldron while he's still alive?
(a) Taran wants the glory of being the first of Morgant's new army.
(b) Taran knows that will break the cauldron.
(c) Taran hopes to find a way to escape.
(d) Taran believes that it will give him inhuman strength.

13. What does Gurgi do during the night while Taran and the others are trying to escape?
(a) Tries to untie his bindings.
(b) Tries to cut through Fflewddur's bindings.
(c) He's unconscious and does nothing.
(d) Cries.

14. What happens to the cauldron when Taran and the others put it in the sunshine?
(a) It melts.
(b) It turns as red as blood.
(c) It begins to groan.
(d) It begins to bubble.

15. What is the position Morgant offers Taran?
(a) To be Morgant's chief financial officer.
(b) To be Morgant's pig keeper.
(c) He doesn't offer a position.
(d) To be Morgant's war-leader.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of Chapter Nineteen, what does Taran see when the wind blows the curtains aside?

2. In Chapter Twelve, how does Orgoch clear the crockery off the table?

3. What happens when Taran hits the cauldron with his hammer?

4. What does Taran see as soon as the group steps into Morgant's tent?

5. What does Taran say the three enchantresses are doing when he peeks into the cottage at night?

(see the answer keys)

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