The Birth of Venus Test | Final Test - Easy

Sarah Dunant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Birth of Venus Test | Final Test - Easy

Sarah Dunant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Alessandra and Cristoforo do when the French come to Florence in Chapter 20?
(a) They go to Spain.
(b) They live on the streets.
(c) They house soliders.
(d) They hide in their cellar.

2. Who does Alessandra go with to see the chapel fresco before the dedication?
(a) Plautilla.
(b) The painter.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Erila.

3. In Chapter 30, how does the painter say he learned about the human form?
(a) From spying on people.
(b) From studying corpses.
(c) From reading books.
(d) From visiting prostitutes.

4. What makes Tomaso confess his homosexuality to his mother?
(a) His religious faith.
(b) He doesn't confess.
(c) He may be arrested for it.
(d) His illness.

5. When Alessandra returns home in Chapter 37, what does Cristoforo worry about?
(a) Alessandra's pregnancy.
(b) The painter's relationship with Alessandra.
(c) Boils.
(d) Tomaso's health.

6. How does Erila respond to the snake tattoo?
(a) With fear.
(b) With fascination.
(c) With humor.
(d) With confusion.

7. Who does Plautilla want to talk about when she visits Alessandra in Chapter 35?
(a) Herself.
(b) Tomaso.
(c) Savonarola.
(d) Their mother.

8. Why does Cristoforo want the painter to leave town after being released from jail?
(a) To keep him away from Alessandra.
(b) To avoid further conflict.
(c) For his own safety.
(d) He doesn't want the painter to leave.

9. Why does the Pope excommunicate Savonarola?
(a) For taking offerings from homes.
(b) For hiding money.
(c) For spreading the plague.
(d) For giving away bibles.

10. Why does Cristoforo fear Tomaso will give his name after being arrested?
(a) Because they had an argument.
(b) Because he escaped arrest.
(c) Because Tomaso said he would.
(d) Because they will torture him.

11. Why does Alessandra say the painter suffers from boils?
(a) To pass Savonarola's guards.
(b) To make him feel better.
(c) To convince Erila to take care of him.
(d) To keep Cristoforo away from him.

12. Where does Plautilla's daughter live when she is killed by the plague?
(a) In France.
(b) The country.
(c) With Alessandra.
(d) Florence.

13. In Chapter 22, what worries Cristoforo about Savonarola?
(a) That he will lead the government.
(b) That he will confuse the people.
(c) That he will take over the churches.
(d) That he will rob the town.

14. What makes Alessandra's visit to Plautilla difficult in Chapter 26?
(a) Alessandra's health.
(b) There is a blizzard.
(c) The roads are damaged from the war.
(d) Cristoforo won't let her go.

15. Why does Alessandra send her mother away in Chapter 25?
(a) Cristoforo is coming home soon.
(b) She is angry with her.
(c) She isn't feeling well.
(d) She dislikes the gift.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Alessandra say she is writing down her sins in Chapter 49?

2. In Chapter 40, why does the monk ask Alessandra and Erila for help?

3. In Chapter 24, what does Alessandra notice about the clothing worn by the people in Florence?

4. What does Alessandra do when she cannot sleep in Chapter 27?

5. When the painter returns Alessandra drawings to her, what does he ask?

(see the answer keys)

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