The Birds Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 82 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Birds Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 82 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the announcer, what is the most important step citizens should take to protect themselves against the bird attacks?
(a) Ensure they have enough food and water.
(b) Barricade their homes.
(c) Stock up on guns and ammo.
(d) Nothing – they should go about their regular lives.

2. With each attack, what has changed about the birds?
(a) Each attack has lessened the birds’ intensity.
(b) Each attack has brought greater clarity to the birds’ behavior.
(c) Each attack has brought larger species of birds.
(d) Each attack has created a new target for the birds.

3. After the frightening broadcast, what meal does Nat make to cheer his children?
(a) Grilled hot dogs.
(b) Toasted cheese.
(c) Beans on toast.
(d) Spaghetti and meatballs.

4. What does Nat realize the droning during dinner really is?
(a) Gunfire.
(b) The birds.
(c) Fighter planes.
(d) Trigg’s truck.

5. In the face of impending attacks, what does the announcer ask the population to do?
(a) Pray.
(b) Embrace their loved ones.
(c) Fight like hell.
(d) Remain calm.

Short Answer Questions

1. Between attacks, how is the sky frequently described?

2. During the third attack, what does Nat find smoldering in the kitchen fire?

3. How many journeys does Nat make between the farm and his home, loading up his car with supplies?

4. What is Nat doing as the story comes to a close?

5. What frightens the children enough for Nat to shout at them to “Stop crying”?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Nat doing as the story comes to a close?

2. Why does Nat drive through the second gate to his home after leaving the Trigg farm?

3. How does Nat use the bird corpses to reinforce his barricades, and how does he feel about this?

4. Why does silence fill the Hocken house after the third attack, and what does this mean?

5. What state are Mr. and Mrs. Trigg in when Nat arrives at their house?

6. Why happens that leads Nat to realize the necessity of keeping a fire burning in the kitchen chimney at all times?

7. What does Mrs. Hocken chide Johnny about during dinner in the story’s final section, and why is this ironic?

8. How has the radio announcer’s voice changed in the 6 o’clock broadcast?

9. What is the droning sound that the Hockens hear during their dinner, and why does it stop?

10. Why does Nat decide to take his family with him to the Trigg farm in search of supplies?

(see the answer keys)

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