The Bhagavad Gita Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bhagavad Gita Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Nirvana?
(a) A painful state where one is purged of sin.
(b) The state of abiding peace and joy in God.
(c) An illusion.
(d) A lonely place where one is punished for sin.

2. How does Krishna say a sinner becomes holy?
(a) A sinner becomes holy when she enjoys material creation.
(b) A sinner becomes holy when she worships Krishna with firm resolve.
(c) A sinner becomes holy when she relaxes.
(d) A sinner becomes holy when she practices Vedic rituals.

3. After Arjuna sinks into despair and falls silent what does Krishna say to him?
(a) Krishna laughs at Arjuna and urges him not to take life quite so seriously.
(b) Krishna stabs Arjuna in the hand.
(c) Krishna says Arjuna speaks with sincerity but his sorrow is without cause.
(d) Krishna rebukes Arjuna for weeping like a woman.

4. According to Krishna, the wise grieve for whom?
(a) Neither the living nor the dead.
(b) The dead.
(c) The living.
(d) Both the living and the dead.

5. What does Krishna say the Lord of this world does not partake in?
(a) The evil deeds of any person.
(b) The good and evil deeds of any person.
(c) Sensual pleasures.
(d) The good deeds of any person.

6. According to Krishna, what may no one gain perfection by abstaining from?
(a) Prayer.
(b) Work.
(c) Food.
(d) Alcohol.

7. According to Krishna, what happens to those who surrender all selfish attachments to Brahman?
(a) Sin cannot touch them.
(b) Good deeds cannot reach them.
(c) They live a life of worldly pleasure.
(d) They become fools.

8. Who may be regarded as Krishna's very Self?
(a) The wise.
(b) The foolish.
(c) The weak.
(d) The virtuous.

9. Where does Krishna say they come from?
(a) They come from Maya.
(b) They come from Akasha.
(c) They come from Jesus.
(d) They come from Krishna.

10. What does Krishna do when someone is devoted to something with complete faith?
(a) Krishna teaches that person discrimination.
(b) Krishna disillusions that person.
(c) Krishna laughs at that person.
(d) Krishna unifies that person's faith.

11. From whence does Krishna say delusion arises?
(a) From falsehood.
(b) From the devil.
(c) From love of one's neighbor.
(d) From the duality of attraction and aversion.

12. What is Maya?
(a) Illusion.
(b) Arjuna's wife.
(c) Another name for Arjuna.
(d) Reality.

13. What is adhibhuta?
(a) The perishable body.
(b) Krishna's daughter.
(c) Krishna's son.
(d) The imperishable Brahman.

14. Who does Krishna say will come to him?
(a) Those who remember him at the time of death.
(b) Those who remember him at birth.
(c) Those who remember him all their lives.
(d) Anyone.

15. How does Krishna say the wise master their senses?
(a) Through meditation.
(b) Through the practice of rituals.
(c) Through sacrifice.
(d) Through union with a woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the only creature that is not subject to rebirth according to Krishna?

2. Who is with Arjuna before the battle begins?

3. According to Krishna, who thinks always, "I am not the doer?"

4. What does Krishna say the syllable Om represents?

5. What are the three gunas?

(see the answer keys)

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