The Best American Essays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Best American Essays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Pertaining to "Merced," what is Ofri's patients name?
(a) Leah.
(b) Lexus.
(c) Mercedes.
(d) Ava.

2. How does Accawi feel about his village becoming a global community?
(a) He thinks the village is on a search for a better life that they have yet to find.
(b) He hates everything about it.
(c) He loves the progression his community is undergoing.
(d) He is nostalgic for his younger years.

3. What happened to the boy Ehrlich referred to in her essay, "Spring"?
(a) He died in a car accident.
(b) He committed suicide.
(c) He moved away to another town.
(d) He died from cancer.

4. What ethnicity is Lily?
(a) Vietnamese.
(b) Japanese.
(c) Korean.
(d) Chinese.

5. Why does Cofer's family move to New York City?
(a) They were running from the country's government.
(b) To have a better life.
(c) They were restationed in the Army.
(d) So Cofer's brother could play baseball.

6. What feeling does Frazier seem to take about society's lack of idleness in "A Lovely Sort of Lower Purpose"?
(a) He is hopeful.
(b) It is tragic.
(c) It is maddening.
(d) He doesn't care either way.

7. What is the real problem with Ofri's patient in "Merced"?
(a) She has a tumor.
(b) She has leukemia.
(c) She has lyme disease.
(d) She has aseptic meningitis.

8. In "Turning Point," what is the interviewee's primary purpose for performing?
(a) To raise money to create his own company.
(b) To bring recognition to this art.
(c) To scare people.
(d) To expand the boundaries of art.

9. What does Fadiman think about the possibility of a published book of emails in "Mail"?
(a) She is horrified of the idea of a grammatically incorrect book.
(b) She is excited and will help publish the first one.
(c) She wishes email were never invented.
(d) She hopes they are never published.

10. Who seems to be the previous library book reader of "Book Marks"?
(a) No one, the book is new.
(b) A woman.
(c) A child.
(d) Her husband's mistress.

11. What seemed to divide most households in Cofer's neighborhood?
(a) Who had to do the dishes at night.
(b) Who got the remote control for the TV.
(c) The desire to be assimilated into a white culture.
(d) The desire to be back in their homeland.

12. Pertaining to "Mirrorings," where do Lucy Grealy's doctors find a tumor?
(a) Her knee.
(b) Her brain.
(c) Her cheek.
(d) Her breast.

13. What does Ofri ultimately realize from her patient in "Merced"?
(a) She is not the master over death.
(b) She should listen better to her patients.
(c) She shouldn't be a doctor.
(d) She should be more confident.

14. Who does Adlrich recall being obsessed with their hair?
(a) Her older sister.
(b) Her best friend.
(c) Her mother.
(d) Herself.

15. What are the benefits of Accawi's village becoming a global community?
(a) More opportunities to travel.
(b) The ability to communicate to other cities.
(c) More educational opportunities and better pay.
(d) The chance to meet famous people.

Short Answer Questions

1. From "The Blue Machinery," where does Komunyakaa work during a summer job?

2. What two things does Fadiman compare in "Mail"?

3. Pertaining to "Hair" what does Aldrich associate hair to?

4. What nationality is Tan in the essay "Mother Tongue"?

5. How do Gates and his community cheaply straighten their hair?

(see the answer keys)

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