The Best American Essays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Best American Essays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the lady in "Westbury Court" doing when the firemen come inside her apartment?
(a) Taking a shower.
(b) Taking a nap.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Watching television.

2. Who said, "hair is like life- there is no need to be bound by the past because it can always be changed"?
(a) Aldrich's older sister .
(b) Aldrich.
(c) Aldrich's mother.
(d) Rhonda.

3. Pertaining to "Westbury Court," with what is Danticat struggling?
(a) Friends at school.
(b) His mom.
(c) Nuances and inconsistences of childhood memories.
(d) His first kiss.

4. Pertaining to "Spring," what is Ehrlich recovering from?
(a) Pneumonia.
(b) Lyme disease.
(c) Leukemia.
(d) Bronchitis.

5. What did McPhee notice about his childhood gift?
(a) That it was expensive.
(b) The elegant and steady way it always returned to him.
(c) The color.
(d) How heavy it was.

6. What does Ofri think about her diagnosis in "Merced"?
(a) She thinks she is the smartest doctor.
(b) She is afraid she is wrong.
(c) She wants to have a second opinion.
(d) She feels on top of her profession.

7. From "The Blue Machinery," where does Komunyakaa work during a summer job?
(a) A shoe store.
(b) A mechanic shop.
(c) Subway.
(d) An electronics factory.

8. What is Hoagland reflecting on in the essay "Heaven and Nature"?
(a) His wife's miscarraige.
(b) Suicide and its pyschological inspiration.
(c) His second divorce.
(d) His childhood.

9. What does Grealy realize oppressed her all her life?
(a) Not being able to get her driver's license.
(b) The anxiety over her appearance.
(c) Her disfigurement.
(d) Doctors telling her she would never look normal.

10. Who does Komunyakaa become close with where he works?
(a) Frank and Lily.
(b) Frank.
(c) Fred and Laura.
(d) Lily.

11. Why is Tan's way of developing her English language unusual in the work, "Mother Tongue"?
(a) She went to a Chinese school, but their English program was great.
(b) She stayed after school and worked with her teacher.
(c) Her mother taught her.
(d) She learned to speak different forms in different contexts.

12. Pertaining to "Silent Dancing" from what place does Cofer and her family immigrate?
(a) Puerto Rico.
(b) Mexico.
(c) Costa Rica.
(d) Ecquador.

13. Pertaining to "Mirrorings," where do Lucy Grealy's doctors find a tumor?
(a) Her cheek.
(b) Her knee.
(c) Her brain.
(d) Her breast.

14. Why does Cofer's family move to New York City?
(a) So Cofer's brother could play baseball.
(b) To have a better life.
(c) They were running from the country's government.
(d) They were restationed in the Army.

15. Where is the doctor from who has success on helping Grealy's disfigurement?
(a) New York City.
(b) Ireland.
(c) Scotland.
(d) Los Angeles.

Short Answer Questions

1. Pertaining to "Merced," what is Ofri's patients name?

2. What is the ultimate solution to the type of death discussed in "Heaven and Nature"?

3. In "Westbury Court," who moves into the apartment down the hall after the lady and her children move out?

4. Who chastises Komunyakaa for keeping his reasoning for leaving a secret?

5. What does Ofri originally think is the problem with her patient in "Merced?

(see the answer keys)

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