The Bad Place Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bad Place Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do they find the missing parts of the metal zipper?
(a) In his shirt.
(b) In his knee.
(c) In his shoe.
(d) In his pants.

2. What does Hal notice right before Frank is gone?
(a) A drip.
(b) A blue light.
(c) The wind pick up.
(d) A noise.

3. How did showing Frank's picture to the people associated with the fake IDs help?
(a) It didn't, no one recognized him.
(b) They all knew him as Frank.
(c) One person thought they knew him, but couldn't recall how.
(d) It was found out that he was George's brother.

4. What does the creature Dr. Manfred examines eat?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Dirt.
(c) Blood.
(d) Sand.

5. How does Frank feel about being in the hospital?
(a) He is uncomfortable.
(b) He is distrustful.
(c) He is relieved.
(d) He is anxious.

6. What happens to Clint?
(a) Candy shoots him.
(b) He is killed by Candy.
(c) He kills himself.
(d) He lives through the attack.

7. How do Violet and Verbina watch Candy attack his prey?
(a) Through the eyes of a hawk.
(b) Out their bedroom window.
(c) Through the eyes of two of his cats.
(d) By connecting with Candy's mind.

8. What kind of life form does Dr. Manfred identify for Bobby and Clint?
(a) Unidentifiable life-form.
(b) Insect life-form.
(c) Engineered life-form.
(d) Alien life-form.

9. Which character dies by falling out of a window?
(a) Bobby.
(b) Chen.
(c) Hal.
(d) Julie.

10. What does Thomas see in his vision?
(a) Julie being swallowed by a wave.
(b) Bobby running toward Julie who is dying.
(c) His own death.
(d) Derek dead in his bed with scissors in his stomach.

11. What do the Phans share with Bobby and Julie about the Farris family?
(a) They had bite marks.
(b) They had just moved to the area.
(c) They all ended up in a mental institution.
(d) They disappeared.

12. Where do the red stones come from?
(a) No one can tell them.
(b) Hawaii.
(c) The creature makes them from dirt.
(d) Blood dries into them.

13. Despite his disabilities, which of the following is true about Thomas?
(a) He conveys his thoughts very well.
(b) He demonstrates intelligence.
(c) He is quite articulate.
(d) He is able to connect with others.

14. Which of the following words best describes how Derek feels about Thomas's warnings?
(a) Confused.
(b) Surprised.
(c) Disgusted.
(d) Angered.

15. Why is Hal staying with Frank?
(a) To protect Frank.
(b) To keep him from sleepwalking.
(c) To prevent him from leaving.
(d) To complete a report on his behavior.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following characters is not killed by Candy?

2. How do Bobby and Frank try to trace Frank's identity?

3. Which phrase below seems to describe Candy's relationship with his mother?

4. From what disability does Clint's wife suffer?

5. What does Clint show his wife that came from Frank?

(see the answer keys)

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