The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was Martin Luther King, Jr. born?

2. When does the flood occur that is described in “Of Men and Rivers”?

3. When did Martin Luther King, Jr. lead the Montgomery Bus Boycott?

4. Who is waiting for Mary Agnes at the bus stop in “Robert and Mary”?

5. What news is related of Mary Agnes in "The Samson House"?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Tee Bob's body discovered in "The Samson House"?

2. How is the theme of slavery versus freedom explored in Book 4: The Quarters?

3. What leads Tee Bob to punch his friend Jimmy Caya in "Confession"?

4. What theme is illustrated through Tee Bob's death in the novel?

5. Who concludes the true blame for Tee Bob's death in the end of "The Samson House"? Who is to blame?

6. What information is revealed as the marchers await Jimmy's arrival in Book 4: The Quarters?

7. How is Jimmy's planned march "set up" in Book 4: The Quarters?

8. How is Mary Agnes an exception amongst Creole society?

9. What does Jimmy Aaron reveal during a church service after his return to the plantation? How is his message received?

10. What leads Miss Lily to leave the Samson Plantation?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Compare and contrast the actions of Ned and Joe in relation to the theme of social defiance. How does each of these characters approach overcoming oppression? Whose method is the most effective? Why?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss the characters of Job and his wife. Where do Jane and Ned encounter Job? How does he help them? What is Job's wife's attitude towards Ned and Jane?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the decline of the Samson Plantation in Book 4: The Quarters. What economic factors have led to the plantation's decline? What political factors have influenced its decline? How does the decline of the plantation impact the black laborers?

(see the answer keys)

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