The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does the Klan show up at Jane's doorway in “Ned Leaves Home”?
(a) Because she accused a white man of attacking her.
(b) Because she tried to run away.
(c) Because she was caught stealing.
(d) Because Ned refuses to stop helping blacks escape.

2. Who does the old black man say he is attempting to find in “Hunter”?
(a) His aunt.
(b) His mother.
(c) His brother.
(d) His father.

3. Where do Ned and Jane encounter the old white man in “An Old Man"?
(a) Fishing by the river.
(b) Waiting at a train station.
(c) Standing near a church.
(d) Oh the porch of a house in the swamp.

4. How does Jane describe her mother's death in “Heading South”?
(a) She was beaten to death by a slave master.
(b) She was killed in a threshing machine accident.
(c) She was shot by a slave master.
(d) She hung herself in the slave quarters.

5. Whom does Albert Cluveau say he has been enlisted to kill in “Albert Cluveau”?
(a) Jimmy.
(b) Ned.
(c) Tom Joe.
(d) Timmy.

6. How does Job's wife respond when he brings Ned and Jane home in “Rednecks and Scalawags”?
(a) With tears.
(b) Kindly.
(c) Angrily.
(d) With open arms.

7. For how long does the narrator describe his sessions lasting with Miss Jane in the Introduction?
(a) 8-9 months.
(b) 6-7 months.
(c) 2 months.
(d) 2-3 years.

8. What do Ned and Jane ask of Job in “An Old Man"?
(a) For a ride in his wagon.
(b) For a newspaper.
(c) For a cup of water.
(d) For directions to Arkansas.

9. When was the first movement of the Ku Klux Klan formed in America?
(a) 1701.
(b) 1865.
(c) 1892.
(d) 1900.

10. How long after Ned's absence does Jane receive word from him in “Two Letters from Kansas”?
(a) After he's been gone a year.
(b) After he's been gone six months.
(c) After he's been gone two years.
(d) After he's been gone a month.

11. What impasse have Jane and Ned reached at the end of “Massacre”?
(a) A river.
(b) A cliffside.
(c) A swamp.
(d) A giant lake.

12. What is Joe Pittman's position when Jane marries him?
(a) He is a cook.
(b) He is a horse breaker.
(c) He is a butler in the Big House.
(d) He is a field worker.

13. The slave that the old black man is trying to find in “Hunter” was purchased where?
(a) In Arkansas.
(b) In Mississippi.
(c) In Texas.
(d) In Mississippi.

14. Who do Jane and Ned ask for when they encounter the Union soldiers in “All Kinds of People”?
(a) Colonel Jackson.
(b) Colonel Dye.
(c) Corporal Brown.
(d) Colonel Williams.

15. Why do the blacks that Jane and Ned encounter mock her in “Heading South”?
(a) They mock her for attempting to learn to read.
(b) They mock her idea of making it to Ohio.
(c) They mock her for leaving Tee Bob.
(d) They mock her for not wanting to marry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What job does Ned eventually take, according to Jane in “Two Letters from Kansas”?

2. What word from the Introduction means unwilling to admit or accept something as truth?

3. What happens to Ned's murderer in “The People”?

4. Who kills Ned in “Assassination”?

5. How does the white man help Jane and Ned in “Shelter for a Night”?

(see the answer keys)

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