The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers: A Novel Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Margaret George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers: A Novel Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Margaret George
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Autobiography of Henry VIII: With Notes by His Fool, Will Somers: A Novel Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters XLII through LVI.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After his brother's death, what statement did Henry admit "colors his entire life"?
(a) That a king can have no friends.
(b) That power is an aphrodesiac.
(c) That death is "hungry" for the heir to the throne.
(d) That family has no meaning for a monarch.

2. Who did Henry hear Will Somers sharing crude observations with?
(a) Anne Boleyn and her brother, George.
(b) A group of ladies-in-waiting.
(c) Wool merchants.
(d) The Court's musicians.

3. After the death of the Archbishop, who did Henry appoint to the role?
(a) Thomas Cromwell.
(b) Thomas Cranmer.
(c) Charles Brandon.
(d) Thomas More.

4. After hearing Will Somers making crude observations, what position did Henry offer Will in his Court?
(a) Jester.
(b) Chamberlain.
(c) Page.
(d) Master of the hunt.

5. What did Henry offer to his illegitimate son and the boy's mother?
(a) To provide for them financially.
(b) A place at Court.
(c) To keep his relationship with them secret.
(d) Nothing.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Thomas Wolsey?

2. As he attempted to have his marriage annulled, where did Henry have Katherine sent to live?

3. How did Henry and Anne feel about the birth of their first child?

4. What did Henry name the child that his mistress gave birth to?

5. What happened to the third child Katherine delivered?

(see the answer key)

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