The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Autobiography of an Ex-Coloured Man Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 10.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While at the opera in Chapter 9, the narrator realizes that the beautiful young woman sitting next to him is whom?
(a) His siter.
(b) His neighbor.
(c) His coworker.
(d) His cousin.

2. To what does the narrator compare a massive iceberg viewed from the ship in Chapter 9?
(a) An opal.
(b) A diamond.
(c) A mesa.
(d) A mountain.

3. The narrator states in the beginning of Chapter 4 that the farther he got below __________, the more disappointed he became with the appearance of the country?
(a) St. Louis.
(b) New York City.
(c) Chicago.
(d) Washington, D.C.

4. What does the narrator have for breakfast that is described as “boiled to the consistency where it could be eaten with a fork” in Chapter 4?
(a) Crawfish.
(b) Chitlins.
(c) Hominy.
(d) Collard greens.

5. Where do the narrator and the millionaire walk and sit in chairs along the sidewalk in Chapter 9?
(a) The Grand Boulevards.
(b) The Grand Opra.
(c) The Champs Elysees.
(d) The Hotel Continental.

Short Answer Questions

1. What nickname does the narrator give to the boy in his class whose face he describes as “black as night, but shone as though it was polished” in Chapter 1?

2. How old is the narrator when his mother decides to enter him into public school?

3. What genre of music does the narrator first hear at the “Club” in Chapter 6?

4. The narrator’s harrowed state of mind and seasickness keeps him miserable on the ship for how long before it begins to lift in Chapter 9?

5. What animal does the narrator look for on the iceberg in Chapter 9?

(see the answer key)

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