The Assault Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Assault Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After hearing shots, what does Anton see through the window?
(a) A dog and two men.
(b) A bicycle and a man.
(c) Three men.
(d) A car and a man.

2. What is the Steenwijk family doing when they hear shots?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Listening to the radio.
(c) Playing a game.
(d) Eating dinner.

3. Who first moves the body of the man who was shot?
(a) Mr. Korteweg and Karin.
(b) Anton.
(c) Mr. Steenwijk.
(d) Ploeg.

4. What is left of Anton's old house in the Second Episode?
(a) Most of their furniture.
(b) Some window panes.
(c) A fence and weeds.
(d) The front porch.

5. Why does Anton speculate that Peter's name is not on the monument?
(a) Because he was an armed resistor.
(b) Because he was not Dutch.
(c) Because his identity was unknown.
(d) Because he had not died that night.

6. Who refuses to speak to Van Liempt when he inquires after the fate of Anton's family?
(a) Fake Ploeg.
(b) Mrs. Beumer.
(c) Mr. Beumer.
(d) Mr. Korteweg.

7. Anton finds out that what happened to Peter the night of the assault?
(a) He was sent to a concentration camp.
(b) He was arrested for murder.
(c) He was sent to prison.
(d) He was shot.

8. Anton remembers which of his neighbors playing board games with him?
(a) Mrs. Aarts.
(b) Fake Ploeg.
(c) Karin Korteweg.
(d) Mr. Beumer.

9. How does Anton know that the assault was never brought to trial?
(a) If it had, members of the Resistance would have been punished.
(b) If it had, his parents would not have died.
(c) If it had, he would have found records in his search.
(d) If it had, he would have been questioned.

10. In which city does "The Assault" begin?
(a) Amsterdam.
(b) London.
(c) Haarlem.
(d) Berlin.

11. When Anton visits Gerrit Jan's house in the Second Episode, what war are they discussing?
(a) World War I.
(b) The Korean War.
(c) The Civil War.
(d) The Spanish-American War.

12. What is Anton's mother doing at the beginning of the First Episode?
(a) Making bread.
(b) Listening to the radio.
(c) Unraveling a sweater.
(d) Knitting a scarf.

13. What is Anton's childhood home next to?
(a) A church.
(b) A canal.
(c) An ocean.
(d) A tulip field.

14. How do Anton's aunt and uncle treat him?
(a) As if he were a burden.
(b) With strict rules and high expectations.
(c) Better than if he were their own son.
(d) With neglect.

15. What does Peter take from Ploeg?
(a) His papers.
(b) His wallet.
(c) His gun.
(d) His bicycle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Van Liempt discover about the fate of Anton's parents?

2. What is the name of Anton's neighbor who lives with his daughter?

3. Anton's name is shared by whom?

4. Mrs. Beumer tells Anton that which of their old neighbors moved away after the liberation?

5. What did Mr. Beumer used to read to Anton?

(see the answer keys)

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