The Armies of the Night: History as a Novel, the Novel as History Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Armies of the Night: History as a Novel, the Novel as History Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the performance space in this section used to be used for?
(a) A school auditorium.
(b) A movie theater.
(c) A vaudville house.
(d) A church.

2. What sport does Mailer liken the debate over Vietnam to in Chapter 5?
(a) Soccer.
(b) Bowling.
(c) Baseball.
(d) Football.

3. In Chapter 6, what does Mailer do after leaving the theatre?
(a) He sleeps backstage.
(b) He goes to another bar.
(c) He falls asleep in a doorway.
(d) He goes to the hotel.

4. Who is William Sloane Coffin?
(a) A local DC businessman.
(b) Chaplain at Yale.
(c) A former Air Force pilot.
(d) Editor of The New Republic.

5. According to Mailer in Chapter 3, how did Robert Lowell avoid fighting in World War II?
(a) He has flat feet.
(b) He became a foreign correspondent for the AP.
(c) He was a conscientious objector.
(d) He worked in a munitions factory.

6. In Chapter 2, what drug does Mailer repeatedly decry?
(a) LSD.
(b) Mescaline.
(c) Marijuana.
(d) Heroin.

7. What does Mailer liken himself to when he begins emceeing in Chapter 5?
(a) A jazz musician riffing on a theme.
(b) A lawyer parsing words.
(c) A mason laying foundation.
(d) A surgeon tending a breech birth.

8. In Chapter 1, what is significant about Mailer's state at the time he is arrested?
(a) He is asleep.
(b) He is naked.
(c) He is drunk.
(d) He is sedated.

9. In Chapter 1, Mailer claims that America's New Left is drawing its political aesthetic from what country?
(a) China.
(b) Vietnam.
(c) Russia.
(d) Cuba.

10. In Chapter 3, Mailer states that left-wing groups should choose names similar to what?
(a) Motorcycle gangs.
(b) Religious sects.
(c) Fortune 500 companies.
(d) Right-wing groups.

11. According to the article in Chapter 1, why is Norman Mailer arrested?
(a) He vomits on the Lincoln Memorial.
(b) He punches a presenter at an awards banquet.
(c) He is caught carrying a large bag of marijuana.
(d) He crosses a police line.

12. In Chapter 2, what does Mailer say he has sworn not to do, because it will support continued fighting Vietnam?
(a) Purchase Coors beer.
(b) Pay a 10% increase in the income tax.
(c) Turn in aluminum as certain stations.
(d) Read the Washington Post.

13. Which of the following is not something Mailer is mentioned doing during his emceeing of Chapter 5?
(a) Slurring his speech.
(b) Rambling incoherently.
(c) Cursing.
(d) Sweating through his shirt.

14. How does Mailer dismiss de Grazia from the stage to begin emceeing the night in Chapter 5?
(a) He orders him to fetch some water.
(b) He waltzes him off the stage.
(c) He slaps his behind.
(d) He pushes him over.

15. According to mailer in Chapter 1, which of the following qualities is definitely not necessary in a protagonist for the story of the March?
(a) He should be an organizer.
(b) He should be an observer.
(c) He should have participated.
(d) He should be a nonpartisan.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mailer forget to give back to the hostess when he leaves the party in Chapter 4?

2. Whose flattery in Chapter 4 is Mailer suspicious of?

3. In Chapter 1, how long does Mailer suggest it will take to accurately understand the value of the March?

4. Which of the following is not one of the aspects of war that Mailer mentions being disagreeable in Chapter 2?

5. Where did Mailer and the Chapter 2 caller spend a period of time after college?

(see the answer keys)

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